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12 Laws Of Karma That Will Change Your Life

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12 Laws Of Karma That Will Change Your Life

A way of life called karma encourages good deeds and thoughts.

Karma might be compared as the spiritual version of Newton’s Law of Motion. “There is an equal but opposing reaction to every action.” When we behave, speak, or think negatively, that bad energy will be reflected back to us.

Karma = Action


1. The Great Law or The Law of Cause & Effect

Good or poor outcomes might be the result of our ideas and deeds. If we want things like success, love, harmony, peace, etc., we must be ready to behave in such ways.

You will harvest what you sow. In other words, if you show people happiness and positivism. You will then receive the same in return.

Any energy one expends in the universe will eventually return to them.

2. The Law of Creation

Participation leads to what we want. You have to actively get out there and make things happen; you can’t just sit around and wait for nice things to suddenly materialize in your life.

The life we observe all around us was a result of someone’s actions. Because we are a part of the universe, our intentions affect how things develop. Things, both good and terrible, don’t just happen because what we surround ourselves with becomes a part of us. Create the nice and positive things you desire in your life as a result.

3. The Law of Humility

To alter something, one must first accept it.

Embrace both the good and the terrible in your life. Avoid dwelling on the negative aspects; if you do, the related unwanted sensations will stick with you.

We commit to a zero-sum outcome when we concentrate on the bad rather than making changes to alleviate the negative.

4. The Law of Growth

You follow you everywhere you go. If we wish to develop spiritually, we must change, not the people, places, or things around us.

We are only given ourselves. The only thing we can control is that.
Only if we commit to changing what is in our hearts will there be real change.

5. The Law of Responsibility

Most of the time, when something feels off, it probably is. It is a universal truth that we mirror what is around us and that what is around us reflects ourselves. As a result, we are required to accept accountability for the events in our life.

We are in charge of how we present ourselves to others, how we let others treat us, and how we treat each other. By accepting responsibility for your role in each event, you may put this law into effect.

6. The Law of Connection

Everything in the universe is interconnected, thus even the tiniest or seemingly least significant tasks must be completed. The following phase follows the previous one, and so on. To complete a task, some beginning labor must be done. The importance of either the first or last step is equal. Both of these are required to complete the mission. The three eras of time are interconnected.

7. The Law of Focus

Even though some of us may think we are expert multitaskers, our propensity to accomplish everything at once sometimes causes us to become inefficient.

One can only effectively focus on one task at a time. Staying concentrated on one item at a time will offer us calm since attempting to do otherwise would invite negativity. It is impossible for us to have ideas like greed or wrath if our emphasis is on spiritual values.

8. The Law of Giving & Hospitality

If someone thinks something to be true, they will eventually be asked to provide evidence for it. Here is where one APPEARS to put into PRACTICE what they CLAIM to have learnt.

It’s important to make sure that you don’t only speak and believe positive things; rather, you really act on your convictions. Let’s imagine, for instance, that you favor charitable giving. The rule of giving and hospitality therefore mandates that, rather than only campaigning for something to happen, you really contribute when the chance to do so arises.

9. The Law of Here & Now

Most of us spend our lives replaying the same old tape in our heads, obsessing about the past and all the things we did wrong.

When one is contemplating the past or looking forward to worry about the future, they are not present in the now.

We are unable to have fresh dreams because of outdated beliefs, coping mechanisms, and behavioral habits.

10. The Law of Change

If you frequently find yourself in the same circumstances, the law of change is at work there. The universe is trying to teach you a lesson through this.

Until you take the lessons from the event and act differently to improve as a person and break the vicious cycle, the pattern will keep happening. The issue is that far too many individuals think far too much and feel far too little.

11. The Law of Patience & Reward

All Rewards demand upfront labor. Long-term gains need diligent work that is done with patience. True happiness results from carrying out one’s duties and trusting that the reward will appear when it does.

In other words, every benefit in life has a cost. Doing what we are intended to do and waiting patiently for the reward—which will come to us when the time is right—will bring us true serenity and satisfaction.

This karmic principle basically means that “doing your best pays off.” That is, consistent effort. Even when you don’t immediately see any progress made toward your big goals, it’s important to show up, put in the effort, and keep going.

12. The Law of Significance & Inspiration

Whatever one puts into anything, that is what one gets back.

Each of us has something valuable to offer. Our special talents were created to be shared with the world and have a beneficial influence. Therefore, whatever how little and small it may appear to be, what we provide to the world matters.

If the final product leaves little to nothing behind, it is of minimal value.


Karma is not meant to be a form of retribution. It is there for educational purposes. If someone never learns that destructive behavior is bad, how else can they learn how to be a decent person? Only when the conditions for pain are there can a person experience it. Namaste.

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