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How to Make a Guy Want You Instead

How to Make a Guy Want You Instead

So, you fancy a guy but are unsure of how to capture his interest and hook him. But don’t worry; these are some tips on how to entice a man.
Truthfully, it’s a good thing that not all of us resemble Angelina Jolie because else, life would be just too simple. Where is the pursuit? Strategic planning is lacking.

How to make a guy want you

Don’t lie, I know you’re keeping track of his every move. There are a few things you may do to assist draw a guy’s attention in the proper direction—that is, in YOUR direction—if you’ve been watching him and desire him. It’s time to try a new approach, so read about these 15 techniques to make a guy want you.


This is significant and most likely the most crucial element in understanding how to make a guy like you. You must exude self-assurance and demonstrate your affection for yourself.

Men’s mouths drop for a reason when they see a lady striding down the street with confidence; she exudes sex appeal. She is attractive as heck because she doesn’t require them. You have to believe that you don’t need the person if you desire him.

Body language is key. 

Ever notice a couple enjoying a drink at the bar? Their feet are pointed in the opposite directions, and they are facing each other while bending forward.

You may convey your sentiments to him through your body language before you ever speak, and then you can watch to see whether he mirrors them back. You’d be astonished at how it works, even though I realize it sounds a little strange.

Build up the excitement.

You want to stimulate him and raise his blood pressure. The greatest method to rouse him is to engage in an enjoyable activity that makes his body release adrenaline.

This might involve going on an amusement ride or bungee jumping. Get that parachute on because, believe it or not, excitement increases attractiveness and desire.

Copy him.

When studying how to make a guy want you, this may seem like an odd tactic. But in essence, you want to imitate and reflect them. With this one, you won’t need to exert much effort.

As you spend more time with someone, you start to adopt their habits, such as listening to the same music. You might not even be aware of it at first, but you’ll begin to mimic their motions.

Open up to him.

There is only so long you can chat about the rain before you need to move on to more substantive topics. If you can’t be vulnerable with him, he won’t be either, which will prevent you from connecting.

However, that implies that one of you will have to initiate communication. It can be unsettling, but if you believe in his character, you should be able to reveal a private aspect of yourself.

Be around him.

Don’t follow him around, that’s not what I’m getting at with this. You want to be with him and be in his presence. You get more attracted to someone the more time you spend with them.

Why do famous individuals often wind up dating people they worked with in movies? Because they have only been with that one person all day, every day for the previous six months. It therefore stands to reason. If you can, try to hang out with him alone or in a small group. This is perhaps one of the more obvious methods for making a guy want you.

Relate to him.

People like spending time with folks who can relate to them. Therefore, this situation is not unique. Don’t go overboard with this, but rather learn about his interests and strike up a conversation about one of them.

However, the catch is that you must genuinely be interested in the subject at hand; otherwise, it will come off as boredom when you start chatting about old automobiles or hockey. However, once you’ve settled on a subject, you’ll have something to talk about and he’ll notice that you share a passion.

Keep a little mystery. 

This is an excellent example of how to entice a man. Men and women both enjoy mystery, which is why we both enjoy a good chase. You’re now attempting to draw the man in and capture his interest.

You want to project a little of mystery. Don’t say nothing at all, but also don’t give him all he asks for. Keep certain facts to yourself since sharing it will just pique his interest further in you.

Reduce the drama.

Men can be theatrical, you know. They are worse than women, in my opinion. But I do know that guys don’t enjoy listening to female chit-chat. A guy will make it plain if he doesn’t like another guy.

However, because we women aren’t as honest about our feelings, it develops into rumors. Therefore, make a call to your best buddy and tell them all about your daily gossip instead of informing him. That is excellent, especially if you find it difficult to refrain from spreading rumors.

The basic line is that you should avoid gossip since it will make you appear foolish.

Work your feminine side.

Femininity is not a bad quality. Femininity is not what most people assume it is; instead, they believe it to signify that the woman is delicate and weak. You may be a powerful woman while wearing a dress and cosmetics.

It’s acceptable to embrace your feminine nature and close your legs when you sit or eat. You are not a weak lady because of these things. So, disregard these myths, and if you feel like displaying your feminine side, do so. Men also like women who are powerful while maintaining a feminine appearance.

Don’t be clingy. 

Do not be clingy if you want to discover how to make a guy adore you, for the love of God! Yes, do you recall the person who texted you once, then continued to do so until you responded to him? That romance didn’t last very long, did it? In general, people dislike clinging individuals.

They feel smothered by it. People are men. They do not desire a lady who is reliant and who demands continual affirmation and attention. Therefore, spend time with him, text him, and do all of those things if you want him to show an interest in you.

Don’t, however, let yourself suffocate. Allow him to initiate conversation and invite you to hang out on occasion.

Get his nose sniffing.

Why don’t you use your aroma to draw him in? Sounds a bit animalistic, don’t you think? However, it is ultimately who we are. Spray a tiny bit of your preferred perfume on—don’t use the full bottle—and watch him fall head over heels for the seductive aroma. a method that has been scientifically proved to make a guy want you.

Flirt, but not too much. 

I definitely advocate flirting since it’s enjoyable and allows you to push the envelope while yet keeping it lighthearted. But be careful not to cross too many flirting lines. You want to draw him in and maintain his interest.

You want to entice him to chase you, so flirt and then back off a bit. You won’t last very long if you immediately start laying out all of your finest flirting skills. You’re going to need to exert authority over the situation if you want him.

Have your own life. 

Letting him know that he is the only thing going on in your life is the worst thing that can happen. Even if it were the case, you couldn’t tell him. Girls who are often busy creating plans for themselves attract the attention of guys.

You must have a separate life and engage in things apart from him. It not only increases your self-assurance but also demonstrates that, despite your desire, he is not your first priority.

Never put a man first in your life. You should always keep that in mind, but it’s extremely important while learning how to make a guy want you.

Compliment him.

Avoid going overboard with this to avoid coming off as desperate. But complementing a guy never damaged anyone. In fact, they won’t just feel fantastic; they’ll also become aware of your observations of them.

He could have gotten a fresh haircut or be sporting a fragrant fragrance. Just let him know what you think. He could see that as a hint that you had romantic feelings for him, and you certainly desired that.

One theme runs across all of these suggestions: don’t come off as excessively interested. It’s not as simple as it seems, but if you stick to these pointers, you’ll master the art of making a guy want you.

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