How To Make Money On YouTube In 2022

Record a Call to Action in Your Videos

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A lot of popular YouTubers use a similar call to action at the end of their videos in an effort to get more subscribers. A greater percentage of your audience will execute the desired action if you explicitly ask them to do so.

This strategy is easily adapted to attract interest in a product or service that may help you make money.

Add Well-Timed YouTube Cards to Your Videos

YouTube Cards are a striking method to grab the attention of interested viewers, whether as part of a brand partnership or to promote your own items.

Setting them to appear at optimal times—when they’ll be most helpful and least disruptive—is a simple way to boost their effectiveness.

How To Make Money On YouTube In 2022

Promote Your Offer on Other Platforms

You shouldn’t limit yourself to use YouTube as a distribution method just because your work is posted there.

Share updates about promotions and sales on your social media accounts.

There will be more people exposed to your message if it is dispersed widely.

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