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Make A Wish! Magical Moments In Life When You Should Ask For Desirable

Make A Wish! Magical Moments In Life When You Should Ask For Desirable

Everyone enjoys hoping, right? Since the beginning of time, humankind has created innovative ways to grant wishes. Why not spend a little more time hoping for the things we want? After all, it is your thoughts and your desire that create your reality.

What are our desires? Well, the majority of wishers hold the belief that you shouldn’t reveal your wishes lest they come true. Additionally, those who make wishes advise one another to “Be cautious what you want… for you just might receive it.” What do we hope for? That is a far more intriguing query.

So we’d like to share with you a list of amazing occasions where you can make a wish. Who do you wish well?

25 Magical Life Moments to Make a Wish

1. Falling Stars

Because numerous individuals may make wishes on the same star, this is a great request.

Simply make your wish when you observe a falling star (or meteor, for the more scientifically inclined). The only requirement is that you have to really see the star. A meteor shower is a suitable occasion for making such a desire come true.

2. Birthday Candles

Given that it only occurs once a year, this is perhaps the most popular and effective way to make wishes. You shouldn’t squander this wish on something like, “I hope the coffee shop man will remember my extra foam tomorrow.”

Take a deep breath and look at the dessert in front of you. You’ll require more oxygen as you become older. While you’re still holding your breath, make your wish. Blow now. Your desire will come true if you extinguish all the candles in one motion. Extremely young children and very old seniors are both suitable recipients of help.

3. Rainbows

How can you resist making a rainbow wish? The best are rainbows. Close your eyes and make a wish when you see one. Then, while keeping your eyes closed, count to 10. If the rainbow is still visible when you open your eyes, your request has been granted.

4. Lucky Smoke

Smoking is unhealthy. Not at all. However, if you do, turn the first cigarette in your pack upside-down and save it for last. You have the entire cigarette to come up with a wish when you do. Maybe make a wish that lung cancer will not strike.

5. Coins

Any body of water, including wells, fountains, koi ponds, log flume rides, ponds, rivers, and oceans, may be used with this.

Take any coin of any value (bigger coins make stronger wishes). Unless you are in a place like Solvang or Chinatown, in which case it’s usually best to use the money of the country you are “supposed” to be in, the coin should be of the country whose wishing water it is.

6. Dandelions

White dandelions are frequently excellent for wishing in the absence of allergies. Holding the dandelion in front of your face after picking it. Put your eyes closed and blow. If every bit of white material disappears in a single breath, your desire is granted!

7. Feathers

Stick any feathers you discover outside that aren’t from pillows or jacket stuffing in the ground so they stand upright. Make your wish while making a circle around it. If the feather stays erect, your desire comes true.

8. Acorns

The fact that acorns contain the seeds that develop into oak trees is itself quite awesome. Pick up the acorn if it falls on your head and make a wish. For easier wish fulfillment, place the acorn on your windowsill for three days if it’s a significant request. Send the acorn with your best wishes for love to the person you want.

9. Ladybugs

Say “Ladybug Ladybug, fly away home” if a real ladybug falls on you rather than one of those biting orange monsters. Your children have vanished, and your house is on fire. If she takes off, your desire comes true. Don’t forget to offer the Ladybug your sympathy for her loss.

10. The Moon

Wishing on the moon is never permitted. On the other hand, on the night of your birthday, make a wish while gazing at the moon. When the points of a crescent point upward, the moon can refuse your request. When the points are pointing downward, your desire will come true. A full moon portends luck for the next year.

11. 11:11

You can make one wish at any moment throughout that minute if you catch a digital clock at 11:11 (earlier in the day is preferable due to military time). Keep in mind that you shouldn’t wait eagerly for it; you should only see it if you happen to catch it.

12. Itching

Make a little “x” on the tip of your nose if it itches, then make a wish.
Cover your itchy ear with one hand and make a wish that only positive things would be said about you.
And when your eye itches, don’t massage it; instead, cover it with one hand and make a wish to see anything or someone.

13. Wishbones

Wishbones are present in all cooked entire birds. Typically, the stronger the request, the larger the bird.

The wishbone needs to dry out before use, so making this wish requires some preparation. However, if you’re in a rush, you might throw it in a low oven for a few hours. Overnight is often plenty. Get another person to hold one end of the wishbone while you hold the other once it has dried. Make a wish while closing your eyes, and then on the third count, tear the wishbone apart. Whoever receives the larger piece has achieved their dream. Both desires are granted in the incredibly unusual scenario where the pieces are equal.

14. White Horses

Did you know that if you see a white horse, you can make a wish? However, there is a catch: you have to wish before you see the tail. Why? No one wants to wish on a horse’s behind, after all.

15. Eyelashes

Put an eyelash on the back of your hand if it unintentionally comes out (don’t pluck it!). Make your wish while gently blowing while closing your eyes. If you open your eyes and the eyelash is gone, your wish has come true!

16. Pennies

Pick up any pennies you find on the ground and pitch them as far as you can. Before the penny falls to the ground, make your wish and it will come true! (Take care to guide the penny away from people and delicate things!)

17. Necklace Chains

Wear you necklaces without pendants on them? Every time the clasp circles around to your neck’s hollow (or, if you’re a guy, your Adam’s apple), you get to make a wish. As you make your wish, make sure to return the clasp to its original location.

18. Yawning

Make a quiet wish if you can resist yawning when you watch someone else yawn. Within fifteen minutes, if you yawn, the desire is revoked.

19. Falling Leaves

Make a wish if you can catch a leaf that is falling from a tree before it hits the ground!

20. Words spoken together

If you and another person happen to utter the same phrase at the same time, rapidly lock your right hands’ tiny fingers and make a wish for the other person. To secure the wish, each should then say the other’s name.

21. Lucky Nuts

If there are two nuts in a shell that should only contain one, share one with a friend so that you can each make a wish. The desire will be granted to the first person who says “lucky nut” in the morning.

22. Knives

Make a wish before picking up any flatware you may have dropped, including knives.

23. Books

Make a wish and tread on a book you unintentionally dropped with one foot. Your wish won’t come true unless you pick it up with the hand that’s opposite the foot you used.

24. Earrings

If you lose an earring, make a wish on the remaining one.

25. Four-leaf Clover

After all, four-leaf clovers are difficult to come by. Make a wish for one!

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