Taking Selfies: Is It Good Or Bad? Pros And Cons Closer Look

Taking Selfies: Is It Good Or Bad? Pros And Cons Closer Look

The Reasons Why People Love to Take Selfies

A person communicates a picture of themselves to another person through the use of selfies, which are a type of self-presentation and expression. Additionally, self-presentation gives a person the power to control how others see them and how they perceive them. People present their “selves” every day to represent themselves in a particular situation through their choices in clothing, haircuts, and brands.

But why do individuals upload selfies online? Even if it isn’t true, people utilize selfies to present a particular picture as a representation of their lives. Despite how true it may be, social media encourages some users to present their ideal selves since it makes others feel better about them.

4 reasons why we post selfies:

1. To convey happiness.

People want their selfies to appear happy. Selfies are popular among women because they allow them to capture joyful moments that later serve as a reflection of their lives. When individuals are depressed or disturbed, they prefer not to upload selfies; instead, they exclusively share pictures of the greatest moments of their lives. Selfies frequently show individuals as they would like to be seen. They create this desired persona by publishing selfies that show contentment.

2. To show beauty.

When we feel physically appealing, we upload selfies to project an image of attractiveness. Similar to how we want to construct and control our pleasure, we want to do the same with our identity.

3. To enhance self-esteem.

Self-esteem may be perceived as both a driving force behind and a result of uploading selfies. For instance, just as receiving a large number of “likes” can have a good effect on a person’s self-esteem, receiving few likes can have the opposite effect.

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4. To get instant gratification.

Photography is nothing new, and digital technology has made it possible for people to shoot and erase pictures whenever and wherever they want, improve social connections, and market themselves. Selfies provide the chance for quick pleasure in the form of favorable comments, shares, and likes—something that was previously unimaginable before the development of social media.

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