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The 10 essential ingredients for being a good person

The 10 essential ingredients for being a good person

We all want to be “good people” as we get older, but it may be simple to lose sight of what that really entails.

It’s not necessary to be polite. It’s not a matter of preserving people’s sentiments.

It takes more effort to be a nice person than we prefer to acknowledge.

However, I’m going to list ten qualities of a good person in this essay that we may all benefit from remembering:

1) Treat others the way you want to be treated.

What you’ll need for this is: A half-jug of goodwill

Despite being a cliche, the statement is always appropriate. The first guideline of being a decent person is to treat others as you would want to be treated.

So, how do you do this every day?

Personally, I make an effort to think things through for a moment before responding. Consider yesterday:

I was really late for an appointment when a guy blocked my vehicle in with his van. I waited and repeatedly honked the horn till he eventually came out.

I was about to deliver my well-rehearsed rant of irritation when I saw his harried countenance and slumped shoulders.

This poor man wasn’t having a good day, I realized. I flashed him a grin and a nod as I drove away, abandoning the quest to “shout at van dude.”

Even if I had caused someone a moment’s worth of difficulty, I would want to be treated with compassion in that circumstance.

The reality is

We can never really understand another person’s struggles. And the world would undoubtedly be a better place if we could spare a moment to practice kindness and restrain our impulses.

2) Always be honest

What you’ll need for this is: A dash of sincerity

Being a nice person isn’t always simple, but since we’re talking about it, I’ll say it anyway.

Honesty causes pain.

You’ll likely encounter resistance when you need to advise your pal that getting married to their cheating lover is a poor idea.

You’ll feel awful when you inform a chef that his meal isn’t worthy of being served at your wedding celebration.

However, here is where using tact becomes important.

Being sincere need not be nasty.

Who knows, though? Maybe your buddy may wake up and find true love instead of her terrible partner.

Perhaps that chef will learn from your candor, develop his abilities further, and return a better competitor in his field.

Therefore, a healthy dosage of honesty is crucial if you want to be a really decent person who inspires others to make great changes. Just make an effort to be nice!

3) Be open to other people’s opinions and ways of life

What you’ll need for this is: A hearty helping of admiration

Most of us live in mixed-race neighborhoods where people of all religions and racial backgrounds coexist. Even if you don’t, there’s a good chance your neighbor or buddy backs a different football team or political party.

Respect for others is an essential component of being a decent person, regardless of the differences.

This implies:

You see, by showing respect for others, you effectively give them a sense of worth and inclusion.

You also give yourself the opportunity to pick up new skills and meet all sorts of individuals. This promotes positive interactions with others and is crucial for your own personal development.

4) Put yourself in the shoes of others 

You’ll need: Plenty and tons of empathy for this.

Empathy, ah. The world would be a dreadful place without it! And having it is crucial to being a decent person.

Empathy is the capacity to comprehend another person’s emotions, even if you have never been in their shoes.

How can you then develop your empathy?

The fact is, you’ll discover how much more deeply you connect with others when you regularly exercise empathy.

And as a result, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a decent person and an even greater friend—after all, we could all use a sympathetic ear again and then.

5) Hold your hands up when you make a mistake

What you’ll need for this is: Just a little bit of responsibility

Are you honest with yourself?

Do you own your faults and put your hands up when you make a mistake?

If so, you probably already know that you’re a decent person.

You see, accepting responsibility for your own actions is crucial because doing so helps you gain the respect of people and advance as a person.

It is an irrefutable fact that because we are all human, we sometimes make mistakes.

However, it is far preferable to learn from your errors than to place the blame elsewhere.

This brings me to my next point.

6) Do the right thing, even when it’s tough

What you’ll need for this is: A couple of integrity dips

Although I mention a few drips, the more integrity the better!

Integrity is a quality that society is gradually losing. We all joyfully declare, “Faith in mankind = restored!” when we see a person standing up for justice or battling for what is right because of this.

But if everyone lived a little bit more honorably, we wouldn’t need to have 5-minute online videos to renew our trust in people!

How can you then raise your integrity levels?

Understand what I mean?

Being a decent person requires effort. You’ll have to overcome obstacles, and not everyone will like you. But being “pleasant” and popular and being “good” are quite different things.

Right now, the world needs “good.”

7) Help people who are in need

What you’ll need for this is: A generous serving size

You must be generous with your time, energy, and resources in order to help others around you.

Helping others is one of the most essential facets of being a decent person.

The world would be a terribly horrible place to live in if we didn’t do this, if we led wholly selfish lives and never took anybody else into account.

In order to be a decent person, you should practice being generous anytime you encounter someone who might use your time or guidance.

A little bit usually goes a long way!

8) Listen intently.

What you’ll need for this is: a little perseverance

When assisting others, I noted before that patience is a virtue.

The fact is, you need strong listening skills if you want to really impact other people’s lives and behave morally.

And patience is needed for this.

Here are some tips on how to listen well:

The greatest method to help someone feel seen, heard, and understood is to do the aforementioned.

A decent person does this because they are aware of the powerful impact listening to and validating the other person’s emotions can have on their wellbeing.

9) Consider others.

What you’ll need for this is: Several scoops of thought

Knowing that your buddy is having mental health issues prompts you to visit him and keep him company out of consideration.

Considering that your neighbor is suffering after their recent operation, you offer to bring up their children from school.

You’re not just being a nice person when you help people out without even being asked; you’re being a GREAT person.

Because having empathy, patience, compassion, and integrity are all necessary for being attentive of others, they go hand in hand.

Yes, it could sometimes be inconvenient for you, but think about how much of a difference you make in other people’s lives!

10) Try your best to make others’ days better.

What you’ll need for this is: A few pilsners of optimism

Finally, be optimistic.

Looking on the bright side of things is the essence of positivity. It’s not about forcing it down people’s throats and ignoring their bad sentiments (that’s toxic positivity, which we want to avoid!).

You don’t need to worry about becoming a decent person if you can simply do one kind thing each day for someone else to make their day better.

Because these little acts of compassion are what make up life in the end.

People tend to remember little things more than large ones, like when someone was kind of them at a difficult moment.

So there you have it—the 10 components that make up a good person. A person who adds worth and warmth to the world is the result of combining them all!

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