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Why Are Black Cats Associated With Bad Luck?

Why Are Black Cats Associated With Bad Luck?

Amazing animals, black cats are equally as affectionate and cuddly as other cats. But throughout history, these black, good-looking, and sociable cats have been associated with myths, superstitions, and legends that have either made them respected or dreaded.

A black cat may cross your path at night. What should you do? Black cat superstitions have persisted for many centuries!

But how did they come to have such a poor reputation? Let’s resolve this.

Why there are tons of black cats?

There are more black cats than any other color because the black gene is most dominant for felines, according to the ASPCA.

Why Are Black Cats Considered Bad Luck?

Prehistoric Cat Fears

If you stop to think about it, it should come as no surprise that people tend to be skeptical about our feline companions. Evidence implies that cats were huge, predatory beasts in the early days of history that people frequently had to battle against in order to survive. Just picture yourself residing near a Sabretooth Tiger! Humans did not try to domesticate these hazardous animals until much later, unlike our wolf buddies, and it was our dread of them that kept us alive and away from them.

Black cats continue to have a bad reputation due to medieval legend, so if you are scared when you see one, that’s probably because of that. It is thought to have begun in Europe sometime in the Middle Ages when black cats were connected to witchcraft.

Witches in Disguise

Dark cats were associated with black magic in the Middle Ages. Black cats that prowl at night have historically been interpreted as witches, witches’ pets, or demons in animal form sent by witches to spy on humanity.

A father and son were traveling in Lincolnshire, England in the 1560s when a black cat crossed their path. It was a moonless night. The cat was attacked with rocks until it ran inside the house of a woman who was being suspected of being a witch at the time. The woman who resided in the home was seen by the father and son the next day. They surmised that witches may transform into black cats at night to prowl around undetected since she was limping and injured.

During the Salem witch trials, the notion that witches secretly shift into black cats and prowl the streets became widely held in America. Black cats and witches continue to be myths in modern times, especially around Halloween.

Black Cats are Bad Luck

Additionally connected to misfortune and, regrettably, demise, is the black cat. This aversion to black cats may have its roots in medieval beliefs that animals with dark feathers or hair, such as crows and ravens, were signs of impending death. When a black cat would sleep on someone’s bed during illness in 16th-century Italy, it was thought that death was close at hand. Black cats are still associated with negative connotations in contemporary North America. If a black cat crosses your route, it is bad luck; if a white cat crosses your path, it is good luck. If you see a black cat in a funeral procession you know another family member is about to pass away. If you notice a black cat wandering away from you, it’s unlucky.

Good Associations with Black Cats

Unfortunately, a lot of black cats are donated to humanitarian organizations. Even if it seems absurd, these lovely animals are occasionally given up because of absurd superstitions!

Black cats aren’t at all unlucky, despite the fact that there are still numerous superstitions about them today. Nearly as many people believe the contrary. In reality, they are a representation of luck and wealth in many countries and civilizations.


It is true that black cats are extremely lucky in Japan, especially for single women who they are said to attract many good suitors for.

This myth also has English origins. According to Midlands folklore, gifting a bride a black cat on her wedding day will ensure a happy union.


Leaving on a journey? It’s best to bring only the necessities, like your black cat, toothbrush, and life jacket.

There are several legends about black cats being fortunate for seafarers all around Europe. The relatives of those at sea frequently kept them at home as a good omen for their loved ones, and having them on board was thought to ensure a safe passage and return.


Scotland got it right when it holds that a black cat unexpectedly arriving on your threshold portends success for the future.

Black cats were also thought to have magical properties in France, but benevolent magic that would bring you luck if you looked after them.

Additionally, there are rumors that the Norse goddess Freya loved cats and would grant farmers a bountiful crop if they fed the enormous black cats that drew her chariot.


The biggest black cat superstition is that if one passes you, you’ll be cursed with ill luck, however it varies on who you ask.

For instance, pirates believed that if a cat approached you, it was lucky, but if it turned away from you, it was unlucky.

There are similar beliefs in Germany and Ireland that the luckiness of the black cat relies on where exactly you are standing, despite the fact that they may not have been the most trustworthy group.

Other cultures throughout the world see seeing a black cat approaching you, having a dream about one, or finding a stray white hair on its glistening ebony fur as a sign of good fortune.

Black cats have a bad reputation, and sadly, a lot of people buy into the myth. In actuality, black cats are lovely animals and are just as lovable as any other feline. You’d be lucky to have a black cat as a pet since they make PAWsome buddies!

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