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15 Reasons You Need A Sarcastic Friend In Your Life

15 Reasons You Need A Sarcastic Friend In Your Life

Only a very small number of people would be able to grasp sarcasm. But it’s also one that’s brimming with a ton of sincerity, happiness, comedy, fun, and intelligence.

Because of this, you need to make the most of the opportunity if you manage to find a best friend who is proficient in the language of sarcasm.

Being sarcastic has advantages and disadvantages, but typically speaking, advantages since sarcastic individuals are often rather hilarious.

Consider all the humor that is used in Friends. Don’t you wish you were more like the Friends’ characters? YOU HAVEN’T? Even if you haven’t, there are still some strong arguments in favor of having your snarky pals close by, even if they occasionally drive you crazy.

15 Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Sarcastic Friend

Sarcasm is a key component of the comedy of some of the funniest and finest individuals you’ll ever meet.

The sarcastic barbs they throw your way should make you grin and chuckle, even if it doesn’t necessarily imply they don’t like you (but it certainly may, so be careful).

Here are 15 explanations for why everyone needs a snarky buddy.

1. You laugh a lot.

The biggest benefit of having a sarcastic friend is that it makes you laugh a lot. Accept your buddy as a friend and see how your life improves as a result of their humor.

2. They aren’t afraid of offending you.

Your sarcastic buddy is well aware of where your buttons are, and they won’t be hesitant to press them if necessary.

Whether they know what they’re saying is something you need to hear, they don’t care if they upset you. Additionally, it is your issue, not theirs, if they insult you. Just learn to deal with it.

3. They never walk on eggshells.

They express their opinions without regard for whether they may insult you or anybody else. These folks steer clear of pretense.

Additionally, they aren’t afraid to make a few waves and watch how people respond to their comments.

When you stop to consider it, it makes sense that they are that way. At least you can be confident they’ll be honest with you, no matter how painful it may be.

4. It will help you get jokes.

If you don’t have a very sharp sense of humor, a sarcastic buddy will open your eyes. Your sense of humor will expand if you can laugh at sarcasm, and let’s face it, humor is a quality that makes a good friend.

5. You need a snippy friend to have your back.

Sometimes you need your sidekick to make a caustic remark to frighten off a strange guy who is pushing on you at the pub.

When you need some sharp, snarky one-liners to shut someone down, a sarcastic pal is the ideal person to have by your side.

6. They make a great wing man/woman.

Simply put, sarcastic people are amusing. Therefore, why wouldn’t you desire a witty companion at your side when you visit a singles bar?

You and your potential date will grin and laugh as a result of them. Additionally, they’ll scare away the less desirable individuals with their incisive sarcastic jabs. The finest of both worlds is here!

7. They make you think outside the box.

Sarcastic buddies don’t simply call you on your BS; they also point out your fears and encourage you to get outside of your comfort zone and think unconventionally.

They’re right there with you through every difficult step, and their sarcastic sense of humor will make you feel more confident.

8. They teach you not to take things so seriously.

Although you take life extremely seriously, you don’t have to do so all the time.

And if you can’t lighten the mood with humor in the worst of circumstances, your friend will. Whatever occurs, it won’t be the end of the world, and life appears to be lot simpler right now.

9. None of you ever get offended.

Every day, you spout obscenities at one another. You don’t think twice about making fun of and making jokes about one another.

Knowing there are no malicious motives hidden behind any words said between you is crucial.

You are with someone who genuinely cares about you. You seldom ever engage in conflict as a result.

10. A cynical world view can sometimes be useful.

You occasionally need to see the world with a little bit of cynicism. Sometimes human design, rather than a higher power, determines why something is made the way it is.

You need your cynical pal to let you know that! Being romantic is lovely, and you and your sardonic buddy both benefit from each other’s more idealistic outlooks.

11. Because sometimes you’re being ridiculous.

Your issues can occasionally be silly. You may be dumb at times. But it’s all right! Everybody experiences foolish issues and occasionally behaves badly.

When you’ve shut yourself up for a week sobbing and pining over someone you dated for a month but didn’t work out, your sarcastic buddy will come around and cracking jokes to get you out of a depression. She or he is the one who helps you see the forest for the trees.

The person who puts things into perspective is your snarky buddy.

12. They push you out of your comfort zone.

Although you may not yet be as snarky as your friend, you are making progress.

You probably didn’t set out to be snarky, but it sort of occurred.

You notice yourself responding with clever one-liners and making a large group of people in the room laugh with your improper comments.

You are gradually realizing that you don’t really care what other people think of you, which makes you bolder and increases your self-esteem minute by minute.

13. They teach you that sarcasm is the best weapon against assholes.

The problem with assholes is that they frequently don’t even comprehend sarcasm, so even if you make fun of them in front of them, they won’t get it, and even if they do, you won’t care.

You know they have nothing on you since your skin has grown thicker. In any case, they will decompose from their own toxicity.

14. Your enemies are their enemies.

In essence, you both have the same hatred for other people, which has strengthened your friendship.

You ridicule them brazenly without ever pausing to consider. Everything should always be overstated.

When it comes to making fun of your ex, you might say things like, “Look at him, were you drunk during the whole relationship?,” or “Don’t be a fool.

Of course you won’t contact him again. That would be similar to having a shower and then changing back into your soiled underpants.

15. They know when to shut their sarcasm off whenever necessary.

Not ALWAYS will a snarky buddy be sarcastic. Because of their inherent wit and cynicism, they can find humor in any circumstance. However, they also have the ability to turn it off when the occasion really calls for it.

One of the human qualities that is most undervalued is situational awareness. A sarcastic individual is always able to master that, too.

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