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3 Ways To Bounce Back From Stress And Being Overwhelmed

Shot of a tired businesswoman napping at her desk with adhesive notes on her eyes

3 Ways To Bounce Back From Stress And Being Overwhelmed

Do you ever feel like you are in total flow, when everything is simple and joyful, as a leader on some days? On other days, though, do you feel as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders and that you are drowning in tasks for which you have no immediate solutions?

Your inbox is likely overflowing with messages from people clamoring for your attention or needing your assistance in one way or another, in addition to the possibility that you are drowning in work.

I’m the kind of person that wants to react quickly to situations. I prefer not to have unread emails or messages in my inbox because doing so makes me feel nervous that I’m not keeping up with things.

94% of American workers report experiencing stress at work in 2019, according to The American Institute of Stress.

About 23% of them indicated they were under severe stress, while 6% said they were under excessive stress.

Here are 3 strategies to bounce back from stress and overwhelm in business and leadership.

1. Set Limits With Others Right Away

As soon as you sense any tension in your body originating from a “desire” to accomplish something, pay attention to it, identify the source, and set a limit right away.

For instance, I had to question myself, “Out of all the messages that come in, which messages are genuinely worth replying to, right now?” because I’m the type of person who wants to respond to messages or emails right away.

I’ve learned to let go of the need to reply to every message right away, and I now let inconsequential communications stay unread for however long I need to.

When you are a business owner or leader, it’s crucial to guard your energy and limits so that other people don’t overwork or overstress you.

It might be difficult to have individuals occupying your space in your industry (online or offline), especially when we feel compelled to return their energy when we have more pressing duties to focus on.

2. Pay Attention to Your Body’s Signals

When we are aware, thoughtful, and tuned in to what our bodies are attempting to tell us, we can quickly transform the overwhelming sense of stress.

We tend to run our businesses more from our heads than from our emotions and souls as business owners.

If we don’t pay attention to what is going on inside our bodies, we may ignore what our bodies are trying to tell us and end up storing emotions that can cause illness. Conditions like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal issues, and asthma can be made worse or have a higher risk due to stress.

3. Do Nothing

Even while it’s crucial to unwind by spending time with your loved ones or friends, your body sometimes craves a period of complete inactivity.

observing the ceiling while seated on the couch. closing your eyes while lying flat on your bed. Or while sitting on your balcony or patio and gazing up at the clear or starry sky.

This can be a sort of meditation in and of itself when our brains are not preoccupied with anything, which some people find difficult.

The most original thoughts frequently come to us when there is silence. It’s not difficult for anything to click in a way that increases your degree of clarity.

Our never-ending lists of tasks to complete and messages to reply to can either put us on overdrive and cause burnout or they can entirely stop us in our tracks because we would prefer to avoid the overwhelm.

Both extremes of the spectrum are unhealthy and unsustainable business practices that have a negative effect on our interpersonal connections and quality of life.

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