3 Ways To Bounce Back From Stress And Being Overwhelmed

3 Ways To Bounce Back From Stress And Being Overwhelmed

1. Set Limits With Others Right Away

As soon as you sense any tension in your body originating from a “desire” to accomplish something, pay attention to it, identify the source, and set a limit right away.

For instance, I had to question myself, “Out of all the messages that come in, which messages are genuinely worth replying to, right now?” because I’m the type of person who wants to respond to messages or emails right away.

I’ve learned to let go of the need to reply to every message right away, and I now let inconsequential communications stay unread for however long I need to.

When you are a business owner or leader, it’s crucial to guard your energy and limits so that other people don’t overwork or overstress you.

It might be difficult to have individuals occupying your space in your industry (online or offline), especially when we feel compelled to return their energy when we have more pressing duties to focus on.

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