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Golden Texting Rules That Will Leave You Thinking

Golden Texting Rules That Will Leave You Thinking

People often check their phones.

Because of this, texting may be quite useful for a variety of applications.

That is, unless you go overboard with your messaging frequency or message formatting.

Even with the full force of mobile messaging at your disposal, disregarding simple texting protocol is all it takes to destroy a long-established connection.

Everyone has experienced the situation when you text someone and they call you back right away. Your friend just violated the most important text message rule, even though they may not be aware of it.

It ought to be obvious that you shouldn’t cross the virtual line of messaging, but sadly, many individuals are not aware of the right protocol. We’re prepared to assist.

10 Golden Rules of Texting Etiquette

The top ten text message regulations are listed in the paragraphs that follow. Feel free to share these with your relatives and friends who might not realize their mistakes.

1. The First Golden Rule

In response to a text message, avoid calling. The most significant rule is this one. Why? thus it irritates people the most. Seriously, people will call you if they want to speak with you on the phone. If you call in response to a text, one of two things will happen: either you’ll get on the phone with someone who is annoyed by your lack of social graces, or your call won’t be returned, leading to an awkward text exchange.

2. The Rule of Response

Unless you want to end your friendship with that individual, you should always react. Yes, we are all busy people, and we understand that it might be challenging to reply when you know the exchange will most likely turn into a lengthy text chat, but you should always reply. That is, of course, if you want to keep the individual as a friend. If not, you’re welcome to disregard them.

Handy Tip: If you aren’t replying straight away, keep your messages flagged as new. In this manner, you may maintain tabs on the individuals who want a response. Which brings us to the next rule.

3. The Two Day Rule

They theoretically have two days to respond to you if it takes you two days to do so. There is no need to get irritated with someone for not replying to you right away if you aren’t responding to them right away either. Having stated that, there is also an opposing viewpoint.

4. The Too Quick Rule

Don’t answer right away if it takes me one or two days to get back to you.

This guideline is especially important when dating. It gives you a desperate appearance, which brings up the next guideline.

5. The 2 Text Rule

They don’t want to chat to you if you text them twice and they don’t reply. Don’t text them anymore. Immediately.

“There’s always one person in a relationship who likes the other person less, and you never want to be the person who is liked less,” according to an ancient piece of love advice. If you text them again after receiving no answer, you’ll lose their favor.

However, this following one occurs when you’re just not sure about someone.

6. The Don’t Leave Me Hanging Rule

If you’re not willing to continue the discussion, don’t text first. For example: Hey! What’s up? I’m OK, (them). Yourself? (You) ………………..

What’s Happening: Typically, these messages are received in the middle of the night or right after someone is dumped. I kind of believe you’re ok, but I’m actually just trying to stroke my ego by knowing that you’ll answer, they say. Given that you’ve already violated The 2 Text Rule, they presumably already know this.

7. The Rule of Dismissal

Never disregard a call and then text someone. Instead of them finding out that you disregarded their call, give them some time to believe that you missed it. It’s just the correct thing to do, in all honesty.

8. The Rule of Disproportionate Letters

Never reply to a three-page text with “k” if it was sent by a woman, and this rule also applies to texts from men. Give her at least a complete “ok.”

It’s perfectly fine to erase someone from Facebook and your life if you’re a male and they send you a three-page text. No one has time for that!



(It’s ironic because the title of the rule is written all in caps. See what we did there?)

10. The L O L Rule

Avoid using “lol” more often than necessary. Additionally, by “more than you have to,” we mean never use it. This is particularly applicable in circumstances like this one, where the traffic is terrible. You can tell that you aren’t laughing aloud at the traffic. When a simple “haha” will do, some people like to utilize the word “lol” in every text. Additionally, unless you don’t mind others thinking you’re an idiot, avoid using “u” or “ur.”

The ‘Ha-ha’ Scale

We are also assisting you in comprehending the “Ha-ha” scale. How many ha’s someone uses in a text message is a good indicator of how humorous they find you. Let’s begin.

There you have it, then. too many regulations You should definitely just use Facetime from now on. In any case, tweens should not text.

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