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How To Make A Guy Miss You

How To Make A Guy Miss You

Hearts get warmer when they are absent. Who doesn’t want to be missed by their man, let’s face it?

But how can you really make a guy miss you?

This inquiry has a manipulative feel to it.

But not so much, on the other hand.

Why? Because you probably want a man to be involved in you if you actually want him to miss you. And that’s quite typical.

One of the secrets to a long-lasting relationship in passionate love is missing each other. Your inner desire and longing drive you to seek out more.

We naturally want to spend our time with those who make us happy and who we adore. The more we engage in these activities, the more dependent we get on their being by our side. Thus, when we are away, our bodies yearn for that sensation.

There are several guidelines you must adhere to in order to make a man miss you. To be the first thought on his mind is the aim. By doing this, you will soon see how the absence of someone can strengthen a relationship and heighten an attraction.

Therefore, let’s begin.

Simple Ways to Make a Guy Miss You

1. Don’t be available 24/7.

Although this one should go without saying, it’s remarkable how often people forget to do it.

You aren’t really giving this guy an opportunity to miss you if you spend all of your time apart waiting by the phone for a message or call.

We comprehend that you enjoy speaking with him and want him to know it. However, this is your moment to make him long for you. Set your phone to quiet or even hide it from view. Depending on how inclined you may be to answer right now. Make him occasionally wonder what you are doing and why you aren’t replying. It benefits the connection.

Additionally, giving yourself some time to think before responding to a message allows you to write the greatest possible reply. It’s no secret that when we act rashly and allow our emotions get the best of us, we make errors and say things we don’t mean.

2. Play the waiting game.

15% of men initiate contact on the same night, and 49% do so the following night, according to Dating Metrics. The waiting game is to blame for this. They wait a day or two before contacting you since they don’t want to appear to be missing you already.

Women are also capable of using this tactic. Make them wait till you speak. Make them long for you so they may call you. The guideline is that you should make him wait twice as long as it took him to answer your phone or text. He will start to miss you and will call you because he will want you to reply to his texts and messages.

That is just what you desire. Right? So, if you want a guy to miss you, play the waiting game. Playing hard to get can sometimes be profitable.

3. Avoid text bombing.

Sending text after text without waiting for a response is known as text bombing. If you like to send fresh messages in paragraphs, that is OK. However, keep in mind that you should keep your contact to a minimum if you want him to miss you.

This boils down to confidence once more. You won’t feel the urge to text often if you are secure in who you are.

Plan a time to speak with your partner without interruption if you’re missing him and want to reconnect. Please bear in mind that he will be busy and have things to accomplish as well as people to see.

Additionally, you do, don’t you? Keep occupied and the time will pass quickly.

4. Be the first to end the conversation.

If he genuinely likes you, he will ultimately contact you after making you wait. Always end the call yourself, and let him be the one to send the final text.

The trick is to keep him coming back for more. As a result of the way you closed the chat, he will make contact with you first since he wants to carry on the topic.

5. Limit social media posts.

Try restricting how often you post if you often update social media about your activities. People may easily remain in touch and never feel like they’re missing you thanks to social media updates. Your partner will begin to miss reading about what’s happening in your life as you write less frequently.

Also, don’t talk to your boyfriend too much on social media. If you chat to him on social media when the two of you are apart, cease doing so for a bit. When he begins missing you, he’ll be eager to hear from you and will hopefully get in touch.

6. Don’t say ‘yes’ to him every time.

Saying no to a guy when you really want to get out with him may seem counterintuitive, but it’s a smart move. If you’re constantly available to men, especially in the beginning of a relationship, they could lose interest.

Being a little aloof and unapproachable might make you even more alluring in a man’s eyes if you want to be the only lady he thinks about all day. When you do this, you become a fascinating challenge for him, forcing him to seek you if he wants to be in a relationship with you or risk losing you to someone else.

7. Leave him craving for more.

Like our favorite food, really. We crave more of the excellent things we’ve already tasted. But here’s the catch: even if it’s good, if you always receive that flavor, you’ll become bored. Men desire what they cannot have. Give him a taste, but don’t give him everything. Make it difficult for him. He will value you more if you do this.

8. Don’t give away everything.

It’s possible that you two are feeling really at ease with one another and believe this is it. Now is the time to finally be vulnerable with him. Just stop there. Don’t tell your entire life narrative in the course of two dates. Males enjoy surprises.

That maintains their interest. Giving everything up front eliminates the possibility of having more discussions. There are topics you may discuss with your partner to get to know him better, but you can also choose to keep certain personal information to yourself.

Keep giving him reasons to want to unravel you. It will be you who is teasing him.

9. Leave him something of yours.

Giving him a memento is a terrific approach to keep his thoughts on you and how much he misses you. You can put together a small package to mail to him or give it to him before he leaves.

One or more of these items might be included in this gift set. Simple is best, dumb.

10. Look your best when he sees you.

Looking great when he does spend time with you will do more to make a guy miss you than anything else. Go all out on your appearance, even if you aren’t with him and know he will see you, such as when you are out at a party. If you can, leave him drooling.

Guys are effected when they are visually aroused, according to research. Emotion and rationality don’t mix, as we all know. By manipulating his feelings, you may make him truly miss you. You decide whether or not he receives the award.

11. Create space between you and him.

If you’re constantly right there for him, a guy can’t miss you. Making room between the two of you is a terrific approach to make him miss you.

Start setting aside time to spend apart from him if you spend the entire weekend with him. Instead of going out with your guy on a Friday night, spend time at home with friends or by yourself. He’ll probably like the time alone at first, but if you do this frequently, he’ll start missing having you in his arms.

12. Make an effort with the little things.

These tiny things do matter, after all. It’s time to step up your game whether you’re in a committed relationship or are just getting to know the person.

Pay close attention to the details:

Use this knowledge to sometimes surprise him. For instance, when you arrive at the bar, have a drink ready for him. Before he gets up in the morning, get him a cup of coffee. Plan a day when you together enjoy his favorite activity.

Definitely, he will notice. He will miss you when you are gone because of these tiny things.

13. Compliment him a lot.

Men adore compliments. It plays on their fragile egos. Every man’s innermost desire is to be with a woman who truly admires him. You may show him you admire him by giving him compliments.

Just be careful to be sincere. If you think he looks hot in jeans, tell him. Tell him if he can make you laugh like no one else can. If he can whip up some mean pancakes, brag about it, and even share his dish on social media.

Where else could he get this kind of acclaim and interest? Just with you!

14. Tell him the magic words: “Go out & have fun”.

This one can sound paradoxical, but it’s a really effective psychological trick to make a man miss you utterly. Most women worry that their boyfriend may lose interest in them or flirt with someone else.

You must be confident in order to pull this off (which is why you must follow the preceding procedures). You must intuitively understand that you are desirable, your boyfriend is fortunate to have you, and it will be difficult for him to find another woman that matches you.
Ironically, a man will fall more in love with you and stop wanting his independence when he realizes he can keep his options open while dating you.

15. If you can cook, cook his favorite meals.

When it comes to relationships, most guys tend to be pretty conventional. A lady who can cook is preferred. Now, it’s OK if you can’t. If a man loves you, he won’t be concerned if you can’t cook. He only needs to be aware of your concern for him.

One method a woman might communicate her love for a man is via food. By the way, learning to cook is not difficult, but it’s crucial that you “want” to learn and “like” it. There is nothing wrong if you simply don’t like it. Consider your advantages instead.

Once he gets used to eating your food, all you’d have to do to make him miss you and wish he was there is email him a picture of you making his favorite meal or just tell him what you’re preparing.

16. Show him that he’s not the only one in line.

When you are with your male friend, have “accidental” interactions with him. By demonstrating your closeness to this guy buddy, you should try to make him envious.

Inform him that your best buddy is a male and observe his response. Men desire what they cannot have, so when he realizes that you are not the only person waiting, he will begin to miss you greatly and pay more attention to you.

17. Be happy.

Give us a chance here, even if this one can be a bit challenging to comprehend.

He will want to share in your happiness and love of life, and he will miss you if you don’t stay with him. No one really misses the unpleasant, clinging individual who doesn’t contribute anything to the conversation, let’s face it. Everyone laments the passing of the vivacious, self-assured individual who cherished and embraced life.

Get out there and have some fun instead of waiting around to see when he will message you again. Whatever makes you happy, do it. Go out with your pals, plan a shopping trip, or grab a nice book.

Your happiness will be apparent. Take action that makes you joyful, laugh, and observe the results!

18. Don’t try so hard.

We’ve discovered that you can’t try too hard to have a successful relationship. You repel things, especially people, when you strive really hard. It shouldn’t be about working hard in your relationship. It should be about hard-hearted love.

The reverse will occur if you have to make him miss you. When anything goes wrong or ends out badly, he becomes disinterested.

Give him the space he needs, be fantastic while he’s there, and just be yourself. When you are just being yourself, he will miss you.

19. Show him you’re adventures.

Reports from Men’s Health You should go into adventure since that’s where guys excel if you want a guy to miss you. Stop talking about his emotions and start living.

Males desire to dominate the jungle. They want to bike farther and climb higher. with you standing next to him encouraging him. Make him believe that he is the ruler of the world. That is your key to making him long for you.

20. Be yourself.

Men adore independent, fun-loving, and most importantly, self-owned women. He will love you the same way if you learn to accept yourself for who you are.

Faking your personality to get his attention is pointless since it will either make him leave you later or lead to a phony relationship. Make your boyfriend miss true aspects of you if you want him to really miss you.

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