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Therapists Reveal 6 Positive Ways To Deal With Sad Feelings

Therapists Reveal 6 Positive Ways To Deal With Sad Feelings

Sadness is a natural part of existence. There will be times when you’re joyful, but there will also be times when you’re upset or depressed.

It’s crucial to understand how to control and manage these emotions as they arise. Without adequate care, they may eventually become more serious issues.

Management is still more easily spoken than done. Sad feelings are something that many individuals struggle with and are ill-equipped to deal with.

If that describes you, keep reading! Here are six constructive techniques to deal with depressing moods as revealed by studies and therapists.

1. Distract Yourself From Rumination

Rumination is the process of stewing in a pot of unfavorable thoughts, regrets, and fears, when you effectively get stuck within your own ideas.

According to research, it’s one of the key causes of diseases like depression and can greatly exacerbate existing unfavorable emotions.

So, according to Tchiki Davis, Ph.D., a well-being technology specialist and consultant, reducing rumination is the first step in coping with depressing emotions. Distraction is one of the finest methods to do this, especially when using activities that independently promote positive thinking.

Here are a few methods for becoming distracted:

Do Pleasant Activities

Positive thinking will gradually take hold even though at first it seems like you don’t want to do anything good. Take a stroll, practice an instrument, indulge in a pastime, or consider the long term by enrolling in classes or learning something new.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

The body produces more oxytocin when you are among people you enjoy, which promotes good moods and lessens the symptoms of depression. Even minor grief can be relieved by this!

Shock Your System

Take an extremely cold shower, perform a challenging workout program, or play an action-packed video game to totally engage your body in something intense.

These acts might compel the mind to shift its attention away from unfavorable items and onto the job at hand.

2. Identify And Accept The Feelings

You must be able to face your unhappy sentiments if you want to overcome them. That entails becoming conscious of them, recognizing them, determining their reasons, and embracing them.

To start identifying your emotions, you might ask yourself the following questions:

This guides you through the intricacies of emotions and reactive negativity step-by-step. You weigh logical options and modify your perspective to effectively defuse the issue.

After all, data suggests that contemplating your feelings may increase overall pleasure. This won’t be simple to perform at first, but as the habit grows, you’ll get much better at it!

But recognizing emotions isn’t enough; you also need to accept them. Sadness is a normal human emotion that shouldn’t be minimized since doing so would make you feel less valid and cause you to hold onto your feelings for too long.

It is ultimately acceptance of your emotions that results in a better and more optimistic existence. Learning to accept your feelings might take some time, but the habit will develop.

3. Let Yourself Cry

Have you ever come across someone who bragged about never crying? They may be the ones who are most emotionally repressed.

One of the finest methods to let the strongest feelings out after a sad or stressful occurrence is to cry. Crying is entirely healthy. Several benefits of weeping are listed below:

It Releases Endorphins

A feel-good chemical known as endorphins uplifts your mood. Endorphins, which soothe you and make you feel better, are released when you weep.

It Activates The Nervous System

The parasympathetic nervous system of the body performs tasks related to stress and trauma rehabilitation. This area of the neurological system is engaged when you weep, which speeds up recuperation.

It Communicates Pain

It is clear to others around you that you are in agony when you weep. If you have a strong support system, weeping in front of them might help them understand you better and provide you with the right kind of assistance.

Of course, there are several restrictions on using tears to control emotions:

Support Circles Matter

According to research, crying may not have the normal good effects on you if the people around you or the society you grew up in view it as humiliating or a sign of weakness.

Not Everything You Hear About The “Release” Is True

Biochemist Dr. William H. Frey, a former director of the St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center Psychiatry Research Laboratories, is renowned for his studies that revealed that sobbing might release poisons from the body. Due to the little quantity of toxins produced, this research is currently hotly contested and thought to be either inaccurate or irrelevant.

Forcing Yourself To Cry Does Not Help

You shouldn’t make yourself weep if you don’t feel like it. You should avoid forcing an emotional response that you don’t feel since doing so might be ineffective.

4. Take Care Of Your Health

A sound body supports a sound mind. Additionally, being healthy makes you feel better since it’s more probable that you can control your emotions when you’re healthy. Here are some strategies to look after your health and lessen how depressing you feel:

Get Enough Sleep

To be in peak physical and mental condition, you must obtain enough good-quality sleep. According to research, those who experience insomnia have a staggering 10% higher chance of acquiring depression!

Make sure your mattress and bedroom are comfortable, limit caffeine in the evening, and stop using screens an hour before bed if you have difficulties falling asleep.


There is a wealth of information available that explains the several advantages of exercise. Exercise generates feel-good chemicals like endorphins, which increase energy, relaxation, and optimistic thinking, especially in sad people.

Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Increased depressive symptoms may be caused by high sugar levels. According to research, it is just as detrimental to one’s mental and physical health.

Reduce Social Media Usage

According to study, a lot of people who use social media often may have lower self-esteem.

Due to social media’s high level of addiction, it might be challenging to avoid becoming caught up in a risky loop when using the platform. In any case, staring at screens nonstop is unhealthy!

Legg advises trying timed logoffs, removing specific apps or accounts, banning specific websites, or setting a weekly social media time limit for yourself.

5. Try Common Practices For Relaxation

For millennia, people have relied on time-tested techniques to help them relax and control their emotions. Numerous techniques for reducing stress can also be helpful for reducing melancholy. You could test these


Being fully present and grounded while letting go of concerns about the past and the future is referred to as mindfulness. It also entails paying attention to your feelings and environment while remaining accepting and patient.

As a result, it isn’t simply soothing; it can also aid in rumination reduction, emotion recognition, and emotion acceptance. Numerous studies have shown that practicing mindfulness regularly can change how your brain responds to unpleasant emotions, perhaps reducing the time it takes to recover.


Studies show that mindfulness and meditation, in particular, can help the brain control how it reacts to stressful situations.

Just 15 minutes of a simple mindfulness meditation exercise will help you unwind and clear your mind so you can start processing the grief.


Yoga improves your mood and helps you become more conscious of your body and mind. It also relieves tension. Numerous studies have revealed a successful method of treating depression, particularly when used in conjunction with other treatments.

Tai Chi

Yoga and tai chi both help you become more conscious of your body, mind, and emotions. Most intriguingly, even in those with chronic pain conditions, it has been clinically demonstrated to aid in reducing both physical and emotional pain.

6. Talk To A Professional

It might be time to consider talking to a professional if your depressive feelings are becoming out of control and interfering with your daily life.

It’s often stigmatized to consult a therapist, counselor, or psychologist, but that’s because mental health is frequently given less priority than physical health. If you would visit a physician for bodily pain, you should do the same for mental suffering.

Long-term, persistent emotional dysregulation is frequently associated with severe mental health disorders. Bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and borderline personality disorder are a few examples of this. These issues require expert assistance and care.

Additionally, some challenges with emotional control are linked to serious concerns like trauma and family troubles, both of which require assistance. If you have any of these problems, a mental health professional can provide you with the objective, nonjudgmental care you need. People can:

Final Thoughts On Some Positive Ways To Deal With Sad Feelings

Sadness is inevitable, and there may be times when you feel so depressed that you doubt your ability to ever recover.

Maintaining an optimistic outlook will help you get through these feelings. Just put these six uplifting techniques to work, and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance if you need it.

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