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12 Reasons Why Taking Revenge On Your Ex Is Always A Bad Idea

12 Reasons Why Taking Revenge On Your Ex Is Always A Bad Idea

How often have you heard that both love and war are fair? Some conflicts, meanwhile, are better left to karma. You could be hell-bent on getting even. But that’s a terrible plan.

You must always keep in mind that it is not your business to exact revenge on someone after a breakup if they have wronged you. Most of the time, you should consider yourself lucky because you wouldn’t want to spend the rest of your life with someone who would treat you badly.

Your ex might have cheated on you, or they might have started abusing you verbally and physically. In addition, they might have stolen money from you and damaged your credit. You need to find a way to move on without exacting revenge for whatever evil has been done to you.

12 Reasons Why Revenge on Your Ex is a Bad Idea

You should give your decisions a lot of thought before deciding to exact revenge on someone who has wronged you. Even though getting even with your ex sounds wonderful at the time, it is not a smart decision for the following twelve reasons.

1. You provide your ex with the ideal pretext.

When a relationship separates, you are immediately asked “who caused the breakup?” Even if you are only partially at fault, acting like a train wreck merely provides the perfect cover for free and for nothing.

Who, let’s face it, doesn’t comprehend someone who dumps a half-cooked woman? You definitely don’t want to show him a little more tolerance. So, remain composed and consider your actions or words three times before acting.

2. It steals your energy.

It takes a lot of energy to seek revenge on someone, and you can use that energy for good instead. Focusing on the negative aspects of your life and the negative influences prevents you from moving forward to the positive aspects.

Yes, being discarded or treated unfairly hurts, but you can go on with optimism. Always use your powers for good rather than evil, and observe how much more confident you feel as a result.

3. Consider how you appear.

Your ability to handle a broken relationship speaks volumes about your crisis management skills. After a little act of retaliation, friends and relatives might not label you as crazy or disturbed, but they won’t use the word “mature.”

4. The clock cannot be turned back.

The reason you won’t do this in a few months or years is not because you are currently cooking while angry. So carefully consider your decision three times before acting. Or do you really want to spend the rest of your life being pursued by people who read newspaper headlines like “Woman glues ex-penis boyfriend’s to toilet bowl in retaliation.” We didn’t believe it.

By the way, it’s not like this man was unable to meet your prince one day on a white horse. At that point, you truly want to take the chance that he will learn about your history with the psychotic ex.

5. Your health will suffer as a result.

Although you may believe that pursuing your ex will help you feel better, the truth is that the stress you experience will negatively impact your health. Stress kills, as you’ve surely heard, but do you know how?

Your body releases chemicals that put you in “fight or flight” mode when it is under stress. Heart attacks and strokes may result from staying in this position for an extended period of time. Therefore, stop worrying about it and let the universe handle everything.

6. You are barraged by “non-datable” stuff.

Every possible new man recognizes that a lady harboring resentment toward her ex-boyfriend is still unfair to him in his mind. Do you want to sneer at your ex the most? After that, make sure you fully forget about him to pique the curiosity of other men.

It is acceptable to “accidentally” pass his house a few times a week with your new companion, obviously in an intimate hug. It is an issue of allowing something.

7. It has to do with denial.

Did you realize that forgiving others is considerably simpler than forgiving oneself? There is no such thing as an ideal union. You must own that there were times when you didn’t always act appropriately, even if you were treated unfairly. You must accept responsibility for your acts because nobody is flawless.

Being angry with someone else is so much simpler than having to acknowledge your own faults. You can also be denying the reality of the circumstance. A part of you could assume that this will catch their notice if you still love them.

It’s a false impression because damaging their tires or blowing out their headlights won’t compel them to run back. It might make clearer why they initially departed.

8. Others could suffer harm.

Every action has repercussions, particularly when it stems from sentiments of retaliation. Furthermore, whomever follows this generally isn’t aware that other people are frequently unintentionally incorporated into your story.

Although it may seem amusing to you that he is hanging his dirty laundry outside, your smile will soon fade when you learn that his children, coworkers, and family members have also seen your name. Always remember this, and you’ll still be appreciative of yourself.

9. Maintain your sense of self.

After the man of your dreams meets you at the door, it makes sense that your world is temporarily turned upside down. Although you have every right to be furious, don’t let this go on for too long.

There is a good probability that you may transform into a person who you truly no longer like if you focus all of your attention on bad emotions and anger rather than on the healing process. And who can profit from that?

10. It is a self-destructive act.

There are countless methods to exact revenge, but this one can land you in hot water. Let’s assume you did damage their tires to demonstrate your pain to them. What if this incident was caught on a surveillance camera and was reported to the police? Getting even would only lead you into trouble.

It’s against the law to damage another person’s property, and spreading malicious lies can land you in hot water as well. The penalties, court fees, and repair costs are simply not worth it. Think carefully since taking revenge could cost you a lot of money.

11. It has no effect on anything.

You devise elaborate plans and implement every possible strategy to exact revenge on this person. What does it do for you, though? It’s possible that thinking about how much suffering you caused them to endure made you feel a little euphoric. Therefore, nothing will alter as a result of it.

You won’t make them regret their actions, and you won’t make up for the evil that has been done to you. You’re only acting destructively out of a fleeting desire for self-gratification.

12. This conduct is bitter.

You desire good fortune and a happy existence. You desire a wonderful family, a bright future, and a comfortable lifestyle. If you harbor resentment and hatred in your heart, how can you expect the universe to grant you all these nice things?

When these emotions reside in your soul, hormonal instability results. This anomaly may result in physical or mental disorders. The strain of bitterness wears down the immune system and weakens the body as a whole. Malignancy is one of the problems it can cause, though there are many others as well.

Six Better Ways to Heal Your Heart

Your heart is in shreds as a result of the breakup you recently endured. What can you do to end the anguish you feel in your heart, despite the fact that seeking retribution is not the greatest course of action?

1. Give it time.

You didn’t fall in love over night, and you won’t lose love over night either. Time is the best medicine for pain, as it reduces with each day that passes by. Expecting to end a five-year relationship in a week is unrealistic.

2. Find support.

The anguish gets worse when you cut yourself off from everyone. You receive support from others as you struggle with your emotions.

Get out of the house and call your family and friends. Staying confined inside of walls produces no positive results.

3. Consider counseling.

You have undoubtedly questioned your relationship a hundred times. It’s advisable to chat to a mutually agreeable professional. They can assist you recognize what went wrong and what you had no control over so you can do better in the next relationship.

Counseling is a great location to start the healing process if you are blaming yourself for your problems.

4. Get back out there.

Moving on with another person is the best method to get over someone. There is no legal restriction on having fun even if marriage and starting a family are not your priorities. There are lots of potential partners out there that are eager, willing, and able to treat you right.

It would be beneficial if someone could affirm your worth and make you feel attractive or attractive. Who knows, the person you meet next might be the one who completely charms you.

5. Allow karma to do her thing.

Doing nothing allows karma to take over and take care of things for you, which is a beautiful thing. The “Golden Rule,” which states that you should treat people as you would like to be treated, seems to be upheld by the universe. Without your involvement, karma may intervene in situations and completely flip someone’s life.

6. Rely on your faith.

Most people have a sense of spirituality. For support during your worst moments, it is best to resort to your faith. The only thing you could require to get you through this trying period is to have faith that someone greater and more powerful can assist.

The Bottom Line

While the person who injured you may carelessly sail into the sunset, anger and sorrow over a lost love will taint your life. The bonds that bind you will be broken through forgiveness, which is entirely about you and has nothing to do with the other person. While doing this will help you become a better person, it does not obligate you to allow them back into your life.

Consider this treachery a lesson learnt, and you ought to make an effort to behave better in your subsequent relationship. Recognize warning signs of trouble and leave the situation before it gets out of hand. Most of the time, you might not have anticipated the breakup or painful circumstance. Life has some difficult lessons to impart.

You certainly feel that exacting revenge will make you feel better. Sadly, it’s just a bandage, and when it does, the gaping wound in your heart will still be there. Don’t seek retribution; instead, cry if necessary and chat to a friend to help you feel better. It simply isn’t worth it.

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