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17 Things You Should Never Do On Your Period

17 Things You Should Never Do On Your Period

There are a lot of things you surely don’t feel like doing because of how your body feels when a woman’s monthly visitor shows up.

To make those few days in the month a bit more tolerable, there are a few things you should refrain from doing. You can take particular actions to reduce the symptoms of period pain and discomfort.

It’s possible that some people are more sensitive to these things than others due to individual body differences, but if you have trouble getting through your period, it could be advisable to stay away from these items entirely.

17 Things You Shouldn’t Do on Your Period

You should stay away from some things since they might make getting on your period more uncomfortable.

1. Don’t skip meals or fast

It’s crucial to give intermittent fasting a break during your period if you are one of them. Energy levels can decrease during menstruation for many women, particularly those who have heavy periods and lose a lot of blood, since iron, which carries oxygenated blood throughout the body, is lost throughout the process.

It’s important to consume three balanced meals every day, two liters of water, and some fruit as a snack if energy is low to prevent blood sugar and energy levels from dropping.

2. Avoid drinking a lot of coffee

One of the worst things you can do when menstruation is this! High levels of caffeine might make your discomfort worse and also make your breasts more sore. Although you may want caffeine, you must cut back on your coffee consumption.

3. Don’t reach for the rosé

Nothing beats a lovely glass of wine at the end of the day (or over a drunken lunch), but drinking alcohol while on your period isn’t always a good idea.

Although it is frequently thought of as a method to unwind, alcohol is really a depressive and can worsen both depression and anxiety. It’s recommended avoiding circumstances where you could be drinking more just before your period because alcohol tends to have more severe impacts on your mood in the lead-up to your period.

4. Don’t feel you have to skip cake

Your pain threshold is at its lowest, and your hormones are out of control. Eat that piece of cake if you want it! If you need to cry nonstop to let your frustrations out, do it.

Be nice to yourself and just do whatever comes naturally. Because period pain is so intense, all of the associated moods and emotions may become apparent. Sit with them and adopt an accepting attitude toward them.

5. Skip waxing or shaving

Do not remove your hair while you are on your period. The pull of the wax strips might hurt since the region is delicate, which will only make you feel worse. Due to the flow of the menstrual cycle, shaving might prove to be an incredibly messy process. If shaving causes you to cut yourself, the infection that results might be serious. Therefore, to lower the likelihood of pain and discomfort, schedule it after a week following your period.

6. Give in to salty and sweet foods

When you’re menstruation, foods with a high salt content should be avoided since they might make your cramps worse. Additionally, it may lead to extreme bloating and heighten pain.

Even though you can have a severe longing for French fries, eating salty foods might aggravate the symptoms of your period. The bloating and water retention that women experience around the time of their periods are caused by salty meals.

The bad news is that sweet food isn’t any better either, which is unfortunate if all you want is a Kinder Bueno. Alcohol, coffee, and sweet foods all cause your body to produce chemicals that boost your pain receptors and make you feel worse. Period discomfort and PMS may be greatly diminished by making an effort to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables, plenty of water or herbal tea, and frequent meals.

7. Don’t pull an all-nighter

Sleep is crucial at all times, but it’s crucial during your period, Cortisol levels might rise when people stay up late or even merely get less sleep than normal. This may result in hormonal imbalances, which may impact how painful your menstruation is.

8. Avoid unprotected sex

Unprotected intercourse is never a good idea, but it’s even worse when you’re on your period. It’s easy for viruses and other pests to spread through blood. As a result, during this time, there may be an increased risk of HIV transmission.

Additionally, when you have your period, the cervix is slightly dilated (also known as open), which makes it simpler for bugs to pass from the vagina to the cervix and into the pelvis. Furthermore, just because you are menstruation does not keep you from being pregnant. Ovulation and bleeding may occur concurrently in women who experience more erratic periods, making it possible to become pregnant if you engage in unprotected intercourse.

9. Don’t use the same protection for a long period

It is simple to get wrapped up in daily tasks, but avoid wearing the same pad or tampon all day. It is crucial to replace your pads or tampons every three to four hours, even though the packaging for those products states that you can use them continuously for up to 8 hours. This reduces pain and stops germs from growing and producing the unpleasant odor you are all too familiar with.

10. Don’t go upside down

This is probably not on your to-do list unless you practice yoga. However, you might want to avoid inverted postures like the handstand, headstand, and shoulder stand if you do.

There is no proof that inversions during your period are hazardous, and contrary to what is commonly said, they do not increase the risk of endometriosis in healthy individuals. To assist what your body is attempting to accomplish, namely get rid of stuff, for the first few days of your period, you should move with gravity rather than against it.

Strong crunches and core exercises should be done slowly. There shouldn’t be any more cramping there. Instead, concentrate on positions that offer your abdomen room during this time, such the butterfly/stance cobbler’s while lying down.

11. Don’t skip your workouts

While staying home on the sofa rather than attending spin class may feel better in the moment, doing exercise regularly might really make you feel better by reducing headaches, exhaustion, and even worry. Exercise benefits the body. You’ll feel more energised and your period cramps will be relieved.

12. Postpone your breast exam

The sensitivity of the breasts to variations in hormone production is extraordinary. Breast examinations and mammograms may be more unpleasant due to fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels.

It might needlessly raise a red warning that cystic breast alterations are more likely to be palpated during an exam. Setting your alarm for the first few days of heavy flow is not recommended, even if monthly breast checks are a great idea.

13. Don’t eat a lot of dairy

During Aunt Flow’s visit, a bowl of macaroni and cheese could be all you need, but you might want to wait till after she leaves town.

During your period, dairy is not your friend. Have you ever noticed how much more bloated you feel right before your period? Hormones are mostly to blame. Dairy on top of that is like rubbing salt in an already open wound. Please have more irritated, painful bowels!

14. Avoid smoking

Smoking is bad for your health, as we all know, but women who smoke during their period are more likely to have significant discomfort. So, kicking the butt is preferable.

15. Don’t over-wash your vulva

When you’re on your period, it might be tempting to focus more on cleaning down there, but resist the urge to clean excessively. The vaginal flora might get disrupted if you wash your privates too often.

Staying clean and fresh should only require a gentle bath in warm water. Even personal soaps can be overly abrasive, upset the normal microorganisms there, and result in an allergic reaction.

16. Don’t hide indoors

Even before you’re sick with period symptoms, it might be tempting to remain home during the winter, but stepping outside is important.

Nature has been shown to make us feel better mentally, and because some of us experience higher levels of anxiety around our periods, going for a little walk can really help increase your happy hormones.

17. Don’t have injectables…

Or body piercings For that matter, a wax.

Since we are more sensitive to discomfort when we are menstruating, it is advised to schedule your visit for a week after your period has stopped. According to studies, women are often more sensitive to pain in the days leading up to and during their periods.

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