300+ Great Ways To Describe Eyes

300+ Great Ways To Describe Eyes
  1. eyes were dark, cupped by fleshy pouches
  2. lined from squinting into too many suns
  3. heard little and cared less
  4. the light fades from his eyes until they are dark and empty
  5. sensitive brown eyes
  6. predatory eyes
  7. eyes flat as little pebbles
  8. looked left and right before starting
  9. looked like hell—purple bags under her eyes,
  10. eyes were dark pools of fear
  11. a shadow passed over his eyes
  12. dark eyes smoldering
  13. brown eyes wearing reading glasses
  14. eyes sunk into his sockets
  15. memorable only for his bleak eyes
  16. his face hardened in concentration
  17. eyes were red-rimmed from allergies
  18. his glance, as conspiratorial as a wink
  19. under heavy lids; heavy-lidded
  20. wire-rimmed glasses
  21. ferret-like eyes
  22. slate-blue eyes
  23. stared through him
  24. competitive, fixed, dead-eyed, and querulous stare of people who weren’t getting far enough fast enough
  25. crows feet radiated from corners of eyes

Related Words to Eyes

If you wish to define the eye feature in terms of a mix of color, shape, and features, you can pick from the words and possibilities listed here.

  1. audacious blue
  2. big oblique
  3. sly blue
  4. dark, red-rimmed
  5. second foundational
  6. impersonal brown
  7. somber, ruddy
  8. dead, unblinking
  9. wide unblinking
  10. large, inquiring
  11. repulsive metal
  12. sharp, large
  13. forthright brown
  14. queer colorless
  15. lively gray
  16. sharp hazel
  17. sorrowful brown
  18. bright baleful
  19. grave grey
  20. wide childish
  21. striking blue-green
  22. bloodshot, wicked
  23. savage, watchful
  24. wicked, bloodshot
  25. tear-filled brown
  26. lovely hazel
  27. wide-open, luminous
  28. good-natured blue
  29. alert, blue
  30. sympathetic dark
  31. wild, red-rimmed
  32. grisly dead
  33. wide-open, eager
  34. feline green
  35. intellectual gray
  36. drunken, baleful
  37. dazed, sunken
  38. beady, glaring
  39. strange hazel
  40. yellow and dubious
  41. deep-set murderous
  42. vacant gray
  43. old milky
  44. unblinking, red-rimmed
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300+ Great Ways To Describe Eyes
  1. small but remarkably lustrous
  2. magical, disembodied
  3. straighter, lavender
  4. striking amber
  5. couple, watchful
  6. dull and fishy
  7. vacuous blue
  8. beady, watchful
  9. birdlike black
  10. unusual pale
  11. lifeless, dull
  12. anxious blue
  13. dreamy, moist
  14. watchful cold
  15. mournful, innocent
  16. huge multifaceted
  17. newly respectful
  18. big, wistful
  19. wet hazel
  20. dark contemptuous
  21. great, prominent
  22. deep-set, hollow
  23. red-rimmed, moist
  24. interstellar private
  25. fierce, sunken
  26. gently observant
  27. red murky
  28. sad, wary
  29. dark nor golden
  30. quick bloodshot
  31. drowsy baggy
  32. shiny blank
  33. bright, hateful
  34. canny brown
  35. hopeful or fearful
  36. hot, curious
  37. watchful, malevolent
  38. charming hazel
  39. implacable reptilian
  40. open, blind
  41. intense, bloodshot
  42. gorgeous, lusty
  43. slightly swollen and dark
  44. blue, innocent
  45. wary, brown
  46. dark-haired and blue
  47. magnificently expressive
  48. deep-set and expressive
  49. quizzical gray
  50. thoughtful brown
  51. huge mournful
  52. drowsy brown

Ways to Describe Eyesight

When we talk about the eyes, we also think of vision. Most likely, explaining vision is more necessary than describing eyes. Here are a few ways to explain vision to help you.

  1. blinked as the eyes adjusted.
  2. rubbed raw eyes
  3. eyes were never still
  4. never looked at me
  5. peer sightlessly at a wall
  6. stared at the pool
  7. eyes flickered past me.
  8. caught her peeking at him sideways out of a narrow corner of her right eye.
  9. looked him over
  10. studied her with a predator’s unwavering attention
  11. cold gaze fixed on
  12. dark eyes radiated intelligence
  13. meaningful eye contact
  14. eyes bleary from surveillance
  15. four pairs of eyes blinked in unison
  16. eyes felt scratchy
  17. eyes narrowed to slits
  18. yellow rimmed eyes narrowing
  19. eyed me
  20. eyes narrowed
  21. blinked a couple of times
  22. stared off into the crowd
  23. watching the bystanders from the edge of his vision
  24. risked a peek
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