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What Your Texting Style Reveals About Your Personality

What Your Texting Style Reveals About Your Personality

Our world now revolves mostly on texting, and the way you write your texts, tweets, emails, and other kinds of online communication can tell a lot about who you are.

Do you consciously use lowercase when you text? Do you always include emoticons in your messages? Perhaps you could punctuate each statement with a period?

Texting is very different from writing a formal letter, and it allows us all to be ourselves. Because there are no set guidelines for how to text, the manner you compose your texts might reveal a lot about your personality.

What kind of “text personality” do you have, and how can you know?

So, based on what people tend to think about how we text, here are eight texting personality types. You might even be a combination of other sorts!

1. The Perfect Grammar Texter

When writing, you place a high priority on proper grammar and punctuation. Your email and text correspondence both reflect this passion of grammar. Don’t you think this is a fantastic thing? Who doesn’t appreciate language’s subtleties? People appear to believe otherwise when they text, though.

According to numerous research, the act of just adding a period to your text sentences can give the impression that you are unreliable. When compared to responses without, one-word texts with periods are perceived as being more unfavorable.

You probably possess serious and analytical qualities. You prefer face-to-face talks over texts and don’t text regularly. Being a great thinker, you often make decisions based on reason rather than hasty judgments. All of this may be the motivation for your attention to the tiniest of details and consistent use of periods at the end of sentences, even though, come on, it’s basic grammar.

2. Multiple Shot Texts Writer

You send a number of brief texts fast. You are likely to come across as enthusiastic and open if you send a statement as soon as it comes to mind rather than breaking your thoughts up over multiple texts. You probably have a lot of friends and are extremely well known, so texting is no longer difficult for you.

Maybe you use textisms and abbreviations in your messages. Textisms are slang phrases used in communications that can be recognized by emoticons, letter or number homophones, abbreviations, and more.

While some people who don’t text as much as you might assume that you are “illiterate” or “lazy” in your texts, this is usually not the case.

3. The Novel Writing Texter

When you text, you regularly send lengthy messages. Why? Because it’s crucial to you to express yourself in a text message. You’re a thoughtful, sensitive person, and you value the significance and power of words.

Because of your kindness and compassion, your friends know they can always count on you for support and wise counsel.

It’s likely that you are the kind of person who understands the value of context if your texts are lengthy and meaningful. You typically give meaningful answers and have a lot to say. You are meticulous and like in-depth chats, much like someone who texts with impeccable spelling.

4. The One Word Texter

You are well known for sending “yes,” “no,” and “ok” as short, sweet text messages. You intend for your words to be read as straightforward, even when others may interpret them as abrupt and heartless. And that’s exactly what you are. You are straightforward, honest, and unpretentious — a rare and exceptional trait.

When your friends and family ask you for your opinion, they can always count on you to be honest with them. You do not partake in games.

Because you’re too busy going about your daily business, you might not have much time to answer or you might not care enough to do so. You can also be more introverted and prefer spending time by yourself to constantly engaging in social interactions.

You might not care how long your response is because you don’t express your feelings as honestly in text. You won’t be discouraged by this, though, because you prefer to interact with people in the moment. You are autonomous, sensitive, and often consider your circumstances logically.

5. The Emoji Obsessed Texter

Simply put, sending emojis is your obsession. You feel that emojis are much more expressive than words and would not even text with words if it were up to you. You are brimming with emotion, just like these tiny symbols.

You always tell people how you truly feel without holding back and you wear your emotions on your sleeve. Everyone around you will notice if you’re unhappy, angry, excited, or stressed, so you had best believe they will.

Do you commonly send texts with emojis? If so, people typically perceive you as sincere and able to express your emotions. Clearly stated! The tone of your communication should occasionally be expressed with an emoji to avoid giving the other person the wrong impression (god forbid you use a period!).

6. The LOL Texter

Every sentence you type must be punctuated with a “haha” or a “lol,” you can’t help it.

You add these short sentences onto each message because you can never be sure how the recipient will interpret what you wrote. You believe these terms are necessary because you detest fighting and never want to come out as impolite.

You’ve always tried to satisfy others, so that’s who you are. It’s great that your life’s purpose is to always make everyone around you happy. Just remember that being frank and honest with others is okay. Simply express your true feelings to others instead of hiding behind “haha” and “lol” phrases.

7. The Could-Use-Autocorrect Texter

Despite your best efforts, you almost always manage to misspell a few words in your chats, to the point where your friends start to complain. You make these errors primarily because you are simply too busy to proofread your writing before sending it. You’re a busy bee who often has too much on your plate.

You should calm down and pay close attention to whatever you’re working on, as evidenced by your texting errors. Busy is fine, but be sure to make time for the things that are important to you in life and yourself.

8. The Double-Trouble Texter

Even if they haven’t texted you back in a few hours, you are not scared to double or triple text them. You are not embarrassed to trouble the opponent again to get the answer.You are brave and assertive and pursue your goals.

Your assertiveness is what others appreciate most about you. It’s fantastic that you’re not afraid to take control of your life. Although most people like your aggressiveness and determination, it occasionally comes out as impatience. Remember that sometimes the best things in life need patience!

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