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Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

If you’ve participated in group meditation, a yoga class, or an hour-long reiki session, it’s probable that your instructor or practitioner mentioned your chakras. The third-eye chakra, which is situated between the brows, is frequently mentioned by my yoga instructor during class. She claims that it is in charge of human intuition and the inner light within us. But what exactly are chakras?

According to the Chopra Center, the word “chakra” literally translates from Sanskrit as “wheel” or “disk,” but it really refers to a spiritual energy center found within the human body. There are seven of these centers located down the spine, through the neck, and at the top of the head.

Literally speaking, the word “chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “wheel” or “disk,” but references a spiritual energy center within the human body.

According to Fern Olivia, a reiki healer and yoga instructor, “the chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the earliest scripture called the Vedas.” The Vedas are the oldest Sanskrit literary works as well as the oldest Hindu texts. What are the seven chakras used for, exactly? They all have a bearing on all facets of your life, according to Olivia, and correspond to certain organs as well as mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical states of being. “These chakras contain ‘prana,’ or the supremely pure healing energy, which surrounds and permeates us and keeps us young, strong, and healthy.”

The study of the seven chakras and chakra alignment—whether it be through meditation, reiki, or yoga—is based on the theory that “when the chakras are open and aligned, our energy is constantly free-flowing, allowing prana to flow through them,” says Olivia. However, there isn’t much scientific evidence that supports the physical manifestations of spiritual energy. However, you must first understand the fundamentals before delving further into each chakra.

Here’s your top-line guide to the beliefs surrounding the 7 chakras—and the symptoms you may feel if they’re blocked.

The root chakra

Location: The pelvic floor, the first three vertebrae, and the base of the spine are all related to the root chakra.

What it is: If your body were a home, the root chakra, or Muladhara as it is known in Sanskrit, would be the foundation. When it is in balance, it is strong, supporting, and stable. As a result, Olivia claims that it is in charge of your sense of security and survival. It’s also linked to the things you use to anchor yourself, such as your more emotional needs like letting go of fear and feeling safe, as well as your more fundamental requirements like food, water, shelter, and safety. As you are well aware, you have a tendency to worry less when these demands are addressed.

When it’s blocked: Adherents claim that blockages can cause a range of illnesses, such as anxiety disorders, phobias, or nightmares. Physically, disorders with the colon, the bladder, excretion, or the lower back, legs, or feet are all related to the first chakra.

According to Reiki therapist, astrologer, and author of Chakras & Self-Care: A Guide to Self-Care, Ambi Kavanagh, “Like any of the chakras, the root chakra can be underactive or hyperactive.” Use Daily Rituals to Activate the Chakras’ Healing Potentials. “Underactive” denotes a closed, blocked, or improperly rotating system. In this situation, we can experience unfounded anxiety, insecurity, and danger. If the energies are excessively active, it appears that they are working excessively and becoming unhealthyly enmeshed in the physical and material world.

Overindulgence in sensual or sexual pleasures, attachment to material possessions, and a fixation on security are all signs of a hyperactive root chakra.

Color: Red

Element associated with it: Earth

Crystals associated with it: Red jasper, onyx, hematite

Yoga poses that activate it: Wide-legged forward fold, malasana squats, mountain pose

The sacral chakra

Location: Above the pubic bone and below the navel

Consider the Svadhisthana chakra, the second chakra, to be the most enjoyable of the seven. According to Kavanagh, “this chakra holds our emotions, passions, and pleasures—the things that emotionally satisfy us and bring us delight.” It is also regarded as the body’s center for sexual and creative energy.

You’ll probably feel fantastic when your sacral chakra is balanced since you’ll be warm, passionate, and content with your life while also inspiring sentiments of wellbeing, affluence, pleasure, and joy. (Nice!) You maintain the flow of energy by respecting your body and engaging in creative expression.

Your sacral chakra may be out of alignment if you’re feeling uninspired artistically or if you’re experiencing some emotional instability. As with physical sexual dysfunction, this may also be accompanied by feelings of sadness, fear of change, or behaviors similar to addiction.

According to Kavanagh, “when underactive, [someone] may suffer from a low libido, a lack of joy, or have hormonal and reproductive concerns.” When we are hyperactive, we may develop addictions—whether to sex or to anything else—and we may also go through a lot of emotional ups and downs, much like on an emotional rollercoaster.

Color: Orange

Element associated with it: Water

Crystals associated with it: Carnelian, tiger’s eye, sunstone

Yoga pose that activates it: Pigeon pose, goddess pose, warrior II

The solar plexus chakra

Location: It is said to control everything connected to metabolism, digestion, and the stomach from the navel to approximately the ribs.

What it is: The third chakra, also known as Manipura, which means “lustrous jewel” in Sanskrit, is thought to be your source of personal power and your self-esteem. The “activity and balance chakra that focuses on individual willpower, personal power, and dedication,” as Olivia puts it, is another way to put it. (Learn more about your “third eye,” which is actually the sixth chakra, in a moment.)

You can struggle with decision-making, poor self-esteem, and challenges with rage or control. Olivia points out that it’s not only about feeling horrible about yourself; it may also cause you to be apathetic, put off tasks, or appear vulnerable. Additionally, you can get some sort of stomachache, such as gas or digestive problems. (Ugh.)

Kavanagh claims that when the solar plexus chakra is obstructed, we have trouble being our highest, most true selves and dealing with self-doubt. It’s not much better on the other side, though: “Signs of an overactive solar plexus include a rampant ego—being power hungry and arrogant, culminating in manic behavior and hyperactive energy,” she explains.

Color: Yellow

Element associated with it: Fire

Crystals associated with it: Citrine, pyrite, amber

Yoga pose that activates it: Boat pose, twists, warrior III

The heart chakra

Location: the region of the chest that contains the heart, thymus gland, lungs, and breasts as well as functions for the endocrine and lymphatic systems.

What it is: According to the Chopra Center, the fourth chakra, also known as the Anahata chakra, serves as the point of intersection between the physical and the spiritual. And is all about the love, as its name suggests. Olivia explains, “It’s the waking to spiritual knowledge, forgiveness, and service.” Love and compassion are said to flow naturally when your heart chakra is balanced and in alignment, both in terms of giving and receiving love. Olivia remarks, “Your positive energy is virtually contagious.”

When it’s blocked: Grief, rage, envy, fear of betrayal, and hate of oneself and others can all arise from a blocked heart chakra. According to Kavanagh, when we are emotionally inactive, it might be hard to forgive and move over past wrongs. Because of this, it can be challenging to love and be loved, which would negatively impact our relationships.

Overactive people might become overly affectionate. Off-hand, that might not seem like an issue, but Kavanagh notes that it’s typically co-dependency that it’s hiding. Being excessively reliant, needy, jealous, and possessive with a lack of boundaries, she claims, would have a negative impact on our relationships.

Color: Green and pink

Element associated with it: Air

Crystals associated with it: Rose quartz, jade, malachite

Yoga pose that activates it: Back bends, reverse plank, upward-facing dog

The throat chakra

Location: The throat chakra, as its name suggests, is physically connected to the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx.

What it is: Have no qualms about expressing your emotions? Your fifth chakra is probably in good balance. This chakra is all about communicating your inner truth, or more precisely, making sure that your inner truths are appropriately articulated. The throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, governs all communication. According to Olivia, it’s the first of the three chakras that are exclusively spiritual (as opposed to the lower ones, which present themselves in a more physical fashion). When this chakra is balanced, you have the capacity to listen intently, communicate effectively, and express yourself.

According to Kavanagh, “a person may find it difficult to properly express oneself in the event of an underactive throat chakra.” “They could really swallow their words, as well as their true sentiments in the process.”

You have a hard time paying attention, maintaining focus, or you worry about other people’s reactions, which might make it even harder for you to be honest. Physically, this obstruction may present as a sore throat, thyroid problems, stiffness in the neck and shoulders, or tension headaches.

Talking excessively, being overbearing in talks, and being overly critical or judgemental of people are all indications of an inflamed throat chakra, according to Kavanagh.

Color: Blue

Element associated with it: Ether

Crystals associated with it: Lapis lazuli, aquamarine, kyanite

Yoga poses that activate it: Fish pose, plow pose, shoulder stand

The third-eye chakra

Location: The third eye, which is physically situated between the eyebrows, is supposed to govern the pituitary gland, the eyes, the head, and the bottom part of the brain, among other organs.

What it is: Don’t be misled by its name. The sixth chakra, also known as the third-eye or Ajna chakra, is essentially your ability to perceive and use your intuition. Additionally, the third eye is thought to act as a bridge between you and the outside world and be in charge of everything between the two. You can glimpse the true image by cutting through all illusions and theatrics.

When it’s blocked: You could struggle to listen to your intuition, trust your inner voice, remember crucial details, or pick up new skills. And your third eye will probably be out of balance if your lower chakras—also known as the root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart chakras—are too. This might make you appear more judgemental, dismissive, and reserved.

According to Kavanagh, “with an underactive brow chakra we may unnecessarily intellectualize things and attempt to ‘figure things out,’ which may leave us feeling overwhelmed and worn out and disconnects us from the power of our own intuition.” “As a result, we could be rather afraid of and suspicious of life’s process and worry about the future.”

A third-eye obstruction is thought to be physiologically responsible for headaches, dizziness, and a host of other problems with brain function. It is also linked to a wide variety of problems, including depression, anxiety, and a more judgemental attitude. While a third eye that is wide open might result in a hyperactive imagination and a mind that wanders. According to Kavanagh, “our clairvoyant abilities can become so intense that they overwhelm and scare us when the brow chakra is hyperactive.”

Color: Indigo

Element associated with it: Light

Crystals associated with it: Amethyst, purple fluorite, labradorite

Yoga poses that activate it: Child’s pose, dolphin pose, eagle pose

The crown chakra

Location: The crown of the head

What it is: The Chopra Center states that the crown chakra, also called Sahasrara or the “thousand petal lotus” chakra in Sanskrit, is the seat of enlightenment and our link to our higher selves, other people, and ultimately the divine. When you are in alignment, it is claimed that your internal realizations resemble pure awareness consciousness, which is all-inclusive and without division. Basically, you are a part of a vast world while yet being greater than yourself.

When it’s blocked: The lack of direction and purpose in life is the result of an underactive crown chakra, according to Kavanagh. “With an underactive crown chakra we may feel apathetic and listless, almost energetically numb, and feel a feeling of detachment,” she adds. Or, you can just feel like yourself—which is entirely OK and completely normal—but not in an elevated state of spiritual connection and understanding.

The crown chakra, in contrast to the other chakras, is frequently only completely opened through certain yogic or meditation techniques, or at certain times—which is not a skill set you can use at any time. However, you might be able to experience a little bit of it via regular spiritual activities, such as meditation, prayer, and times of solitude and thanks.

According to Kavanagh, “an overactive crown chakra typically shows as a thirst for material possessions that never seems capable of being satiated.”

“Greed, superficiality, and arrogance can lead to a separation from the cosmos and other people.

Color: Violet

Element: None

Crystals associated with it: Selenite, clear quartz, lepidolite

Yoga poses that activate it: Headstand, tree pose, savasana

Balancing the 7 chakras is a group effort

Although each chakra has its own unique characteristics, they are all believed to function as a system. In other words, if one is out of balance, the rest are also affected. Therefore, if you exhibit symptoms of several blocked chakras, remember that this is quite normal. A skilled yoga teacher or healer will work to balance all of your chakras simultaneously, opening a clean pathway for prana to flow from top to bottom.

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