5. Pluck a nose hair
We won’t sugarcoat it: this one will hurt.
Your nose’s interior lining is delicate, therefore plucking out a nose hair is not a pleasant experience. However, it can cause a sneeze by activating the trigeminal nerve. Given how delicate the lining of the nose is, just thinking about it could cause you to start scratching your nose.
Should you select this alternative, our advice is: Be kind.
6. Massage the roof of your mouth
Massage the roof of your mouth with your tongue to activate the trigeminal nerve, which runs along the roof of your mouth.
Simply move your tongue back and forth along your mouth’s roof. Be patient: Since everyone has a unique sneeze area, you may need to experiment a little with where to massage, how hard to push, and how long it can take for a sneeze to appear.
7. Rub the bridge of your nose
The trigeminal nerve may be stimulated by massaging the bridge of your nose, which can also assist the moisture in your nose drain.
Massage the bridge of your nose downward with firm yet gentle pressure with your fingertips. Continue rubbing your nose until you notice a tiny tickling there; this should make you sneeze.
8. Eat a piece of chocolate
Sneezing may be induced by eating dark chocolate with a high cacao content. For non-allergy-related sneezes, this usually works. People who don’t consume chocolate on a daily basis could succeed better.
Due to the fact that there is no recognized trigger, this is classified as a photic sneeze reflex. Although the specific mechanism of action is unknown, it’s possible that some of the cocoa particles enter the nose.
9. Go somewhere cool
Take a deep intake of cool air to help your sneeze reflex get going. Try walking outdoors and taking a sharp breath of the chilly air if it’s substantially colder outside than it is inside, for example.
If the temperature outdoors isn’t low enough, try opening your freezer and placing your face briefly in the chilly air.
Another method for accomplishing this is to take a hot shower, then rapidly stick your head outside and breathe deeply in the colder air.
10. Sniff a fizzy drink
One sniff of a carbonated beverage, especially one from a soda machine, may be enough to trigger a sneeze. It may be sufficient to simply consume a carbonated beverage, but you may also hold the cup directly in front of your nose and breathe in that way. You should sneeze in response to this.
Ensure that the soda has plenty of fizz. There could not be enough bubbles if it is flat to cause a sneeze.
Bottom Line
Some of these methods could prove to be more effective for you than others. Do not use excessive force when implementing any of these. Each person has a unique set of sensitivities and responses to irritants.