15 Foods You Shouldn’t Keep In The Fridge

10. Chocolate

15 Foods You Shouldn’t Keep In The Fridge

The worst place for your chocolate bar or package is the refrigerator. Taste, color, and texture can all be affected by the temperature and humidity of the refrigerator.

The fragrance of nearby food is also absorbed by chocolate (more specifically, the cocoa butter), therefore it is better to keep it separate from other pungent components. Instead, store your chocolate in a cool, dry area, and if you’ve already opened it, in an airtight container.

11. Chocolate-Hazelnut Spread

15 Foods You Shouldn’t Keep In The Fridge

When kept outside of the refrigerator, this favorite condiment is extremely spreadable. When not cooled, the characteristic chocolate taste is stronger.

Your favorite chocolate-hazelnut spread won’t taste as good and won’t spread as well if you put it in the refrigerator.

12. Peanut Butter

15 Foods You Shouldn’t Keep In The Fridge

Spreading processed peanut butter over bread will be difficult since it might get hard and stodgy in the refrigerator.

It’s more murky when it comes to natural peanut butter. The spread may remain longer in the refrigerator, but the oils usually separate at colder temperatures, making it more difficult to recombine the product to the desired consistency. It will remain safe outside of the refrigerator if you eat it within six to nine months.

13. Avocados

15 Foods You Shouldn’t Keep In The Fridge

This fruit’s creamy deliciousness is best savored at room temperature. Many of the hard, green avocados you may buy at the grocery store need a few days to mature before they’re edible. However, they will only ripen if you store them outside of the refrigerator.

When an avocado is fully ripe but you aren’t yet ready to consume it, that is the only time you should put it in the refrigerator. Refrigeration will then buy you an extra day or two before it spoils.

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14. Olive Oil

15 Foods You Shouldn’t Keep In The Fridge

It’s not a good idea to store olive oil in the refrigerator. The condensation in refrigerators, which are damp and humid environments, can negatively impact the quality of your olive oil. Additionally, it will eventually cause your olive oil to harden and get hazy.

Try storing your olive oil in a cold, dark closet rather than the refrigerator. It ought to last at least a year. Olive oil can even last up to two years in unopened bottles. Don’t worry if the consistency of the olive oil you have in the fridge is changing. Just remove it. The consistency will return to normal once the item reaches room temperature.

15. Berries

15 Foods You Shouldn’t Keep In The Fridge

Berries may be challenging to preserve, and if you do it incorrectly, they can rapidly mildew and get mushy. Berries should not be refrigerated, but only if you want to use them right away. At room temperature, they are still firm and delicious.

If you don’t rinse the berries shortly before using them, they could mold. Rinse them in a strainer when you do rinse them. Don’t let the water touch those priceless fruit. For longer-term usage, you may keep them in the refrigerator, but make sure they aren’t in an airtight container. All berry varieties, such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc., fall under this.

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