19 Things To Give Up In Exchange For Happiness

19 Things To Give Up In Exchange For Happiness

2. Give up trying to please everyone.

Your tribe won’t be able to locate you until you’re living life to the beat of your own drum. Be the finest possible version of YOU, and the people you should be around will come to you organically.

3. Stop underestimate yourself.

Give away your false assumptions about what you are capable of, what is feasible, and what is not. You will no longer let your limiting beliefs to put you in the wrong spot moving forward. Fly by spreading your wings!

4. Give up your need to always be right.

There are a lot of people out there who don’t like the concept of being wrong and always want to be right, even if it means ruining good relationships or putting ourselves and others through a lot of stress and agony.

It simply isn’t worth it. Ask yourself, “Would I rather be right or would I rather be kind?” if you feel the “urgent” need to engage in a debate over who is right and who is wrong. William Dyer What impact would that have? Are you truly so egotistical?

5. Give up participating in gossip.

Those that gossip with you will always talk negatively about you. Glamour is like betting everything on a horse you’ve never seen. It’s foolish.

6. Quit worrying.

Energy goes where ideas go. Worry is focusing your attention and effort on a scenario that you’d like not occur. Learn to trust and let go.

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