19 Things To Give Up In Exchange For Happiness

19 Things To Give Up In Exchange For Happiness

16. Give up your resistance to change.

It’s wonderful to change. You can get from A to B with the aid of change. You may enhance both your life and the lives of people around you with its assistance. Don’t fight change; embrace it and follow your joy.

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.

— Joseph Campbell

17. Give up labels.

Try expanding your mind gradually and stop characterizing those things, people, or occurrences that you don’t comprehend as bizarre or unusual. Only open minds can function.

18. Give up the luxury of criticism.

Stop feeling the urge to criticize things, people, or situations that are dissimilar to your own. We are all the same even yet we are all different. We all desire happiness, love and acceptance from others, and comprehension. Still, there is something that everyone of us wishes for.

19. Give up living your life to other people’s expectations.

There are far too many individuals living lives that are not theirs to live. They live their lives in accordance with what other people believe is best for them, including what their parents, friends, enemies, teachers, their government, and the media believe. They also live their lives in accordance with what they believe is best for them.

These individuals disobey their inner voice and calling. They get so preoccupied with meeting everyone’s expectations and trying to please everyone that they lose control of their life.

They ultimately forget about themselves as well as what makes them happy, what they need, and what they desire. You only have one life, the one you are currently living. You must make the most of it, take responsibility for it, and above all, don’t allow the views of others divert you from your goals.

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