3 Ways To Bounce Back From Stress And Being Overwhelmed

3 Ways To Bounce Back From Stress And Being Overwhelmed

3. Do Nothing

Even while it’s crucial to unwind by spending time with your loved ones or friends, your body sometimes craves a period of complete inactivity.

observing the ceiling while seated on the couch. closing your eyes while lying flat on your bed. Or while sitting on your balcony or patio and gazing up at the clear or starry sky.

This can be a sort of meditation in and of itself when our brains are not preoccupied with anything, which some people find difficult.

The most original thoughts frequently come to us when there is silence. It’s not difficult for anything to click in a way that increases your degree of clarity.

Our never-ending lists of tasks to complete and messages to reply to can either put us on overdrive and cause burnout or they can entirely stop us in our tracks because we would prefer to avoid the overwhelm.

Both extremes of the spectrum are unhealthy and unsustainable business practices that have a negative effect on our interpersonal connections and quality of life.

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