Why You Should Never Go Back To Someone Who Hurt You


Don’t let anyone convince you that you are deserving of more. Abusive relationships make us feel as though we are deserving of suffering. Even worse, we start to blame ourselves for the bad situation. Having the conviction that you are not the one who should be held accountable is the first step on the road to atonement.

Even though it may be difficult right now, have faith that things will get better. The inside anguish you’re experiencing will ultimately go away; it may take months or even years.

You’ll develop independently and strive to become the person you want to be. The best thing is that you will once again be the one to create your pleasure.

What if…?

Why You Should Never Go Back To Someone Who Hurt You

Even if you want them to change, they won’t, and you can’t assist someone who doesn’t want to better themselves. You owe yourself more than going back to the person who has repeatedly injured you.

They won’t care how their acts make you feel if you go back to them; they just assume that you will forgive them for anything they do.

They may say all they want that they’re sorry for what they did and how it made you feel, but they don’t really mean it.

Not when they repeatedly engage in the same behavior.

So, what should you do then?

Why You Should Never Go Back To Someone Who Hurt You

Given everything, you shouldn’t do it. You shouldn’t consider reconciling with someone who has wronged you in the past.

Don’t allow it happen when you’re feeling vulnerable and just want someone you know to console you because you’re feeling alone. And avoid sending a text message that your future self will despise you for when you’re drinking yourself silly. Don’t let it be because you believe you are incapable of doing better and they are still within your grasp but far enough away that they may still be able to flee.

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If you’re feeling lonely, depressed, or brokenhearted, resist the urge to go back to the person who hurt you since they won’t be able to mend your wounds and mend your broken heart.

After all, they were the ones who initially caused the break.

Find someone better. And even if you don’t, you’re better off.

Additionally, keep any contact with that individual to a minimum while you are going through the healing process. Heartbreak is a personal experience, and it may take some time before you find the fortitude to reject someone who attempts to manipulate your thoughts, feelings, and actions in order to benefit themselves.

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