6. Lemon Water Is A Natural Diuretic
This is a fantastic reason to start your day with a large cup of warm lemon water: the diuretic impact aids in bodily detoxification to set the tone for the rest of the day. It is a mild, natural diuretic, so it won’t cause you to get dehydrated like prescription diuretics can. In fact, lemon juice’s water content and natural hydration can help you stay more hydrated while also having a little diuretic impact to reduce bloat.
7. It Might Prevent Kidney Stones
By raising the pH and volume of urine, which makes the environment less conducive to kidney stone development, citric acid may help prevent kidney stones.
For those who have already had stones, a mere 1/2 cup (4 ounces or 125 ml) of lemon juice per day may be sufficient to help prevent new stone development.
8. Lemon Water Alkalizes Your Body
Lemons balance your pH despite being quite acidic on their own. They also have a very alkalizing impact on the body. Why is pH such a key factor? It’s straightforward: an alkaline environment inhibits the growth of cancer cells. To maintain a slightly alkaline state in your body, you should eat foods that are high in this mineral. Limiting foods that produce acid, such as dairy, animal proteins, and large amounts of processed sugar, is also important.
9. Lemon Water Aids Digestion
Sipping warm lemon water 10-15 minutes before a meal helps boost the production of digestive enzymes in your gut and help with digestion if you ever have indigestion, stomach pain, or digestion problems in general.
Even better, it promotes healthy digestion, which over time can have long-term gut-healing effects.

10. Lemon May Even Help Respiratory Problems
As mentioned above, sipping warm lemon water can help prevent coughing and get rid of chest infections. It is believed to be beneficial for those who have allergies and asthma as well. This may be because lemon juice contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. As a result, the body is better able to fend against asthma triggers thanks to the chemical limonene.
Lemon juice’s antioxidants may support the body’s defenses against irritants and allergens. Lemon’s antibacterial qualities may also help avoid mucus buildup.
11. It Keeps You Zen
One of the first nutrients to be depleted when your body and mind are under stress is vitamin C. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, as was already noted, which has been demonstrated in several studies to lessen the physical and psychological consequences of stress.
In actuality, those with high levels of vitamin C in their systems don’t react to stress the way you might anticipate. In really stressful situations, they experience less of it and recover more quickly. So, one of the most unexpected advantages of drinking lemon water in the morning might be that you feel more focused all day.
12. It Helps With Weight Loss
If you consume a full lemon, the pectin fiber included in lemons may help reduce your desire for food. And for other people, simply increasing their water consumption helps them lose weight faster. But many people also discover that adding freshly squeezed juice to warm water for their morning cup expedites weight loss.
According to one study, the polyphenols in lemon juice might prevent the body from storing fat. The same study found that the weight gain was greatly decreased by the same components found in lemons, even in people who were overeating.

Lemon water is exactly what it sounds like—water mixed with lemon juice or lemon slices and/or peel. Water may be either warm or cold. If desired, you can also use other components and flavors, including orange or mint. The lemons can be juiced (advanced juice extraction is recommended) and even frozen in ice cube trays.
Before juicing, rolling a lemon between your hands or on a surface is supposed to produce more juice. If you want to add lemon slices to water or use the lemon zest, unwaxed lemons are the best option. If you can only get waxed lemons, lightly clean the peel before using.