12 Omens Everyone Should Know

12 Omens Everyone Should Know

2. Spilling Salt

It has long been thought that spilling salt predicts bad fortune.

When salt was a valuable commodity in ancient societies, this omen first appeared. It was therefore unlucky to spill and waste it.

Tossing salt over your left shoulder will ward off bad fortune.

3. A Butterfly Flying Into Your Home

When a butterfly enters your home, it usually heralds either welcome guests or good news. A butterfly in the house is always beneficial, according to “World of Feng Shui.”

Dark butterflies are associated with business or a career, while bright butterflies are associated with romance. White butterflies are a sign of good fortune for homeowners in Louisiana, but they are a death emblem in Maryland.

A spotted brown butterfly that enters a household in the Philippines is considered lucky and is thought to bring the owners or family members money. In that culture, a lingering black butterfly signifies the loss of a loved one.

4. Itchy Ears

Have you ever experienced an ear irritation that seemed to have no cause?

According to a long-held tradition, if your left ear itches, someone is praising you.

However, itching in your right ear indicates that you are the subject of unfavorable discussion.

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