15 Things Happy People Don’t Do

5. Don’t seek revenge

15 Things Happy People Don't Do

There is no justification for intentionally seeking someone’s retribution. Just carry on living your life as you normally would and leave it up to karma. Happy individuals strive to make peace with the situation rather than concentrate on getting retribution.

Giving up and accepting it are the only ways to put an end to retaliation. Change your negative thoughts to the opposite. The only option is to rise above it and accept it as it is.

6. They don’t waste time doing things they dislike

While there will always be tasks we dislike (such as washing the laundry or paying taxes), cheerful individuals don’t spend time on things they don’t have to do or find enjoyable.

People who are content with their lives don’t waste time watching TV shows they don’t enjoy, going to nervously provoking events, or working in jobs that make them unhappy. One of the biggest secrets of happy individuals is that they are aware of their dislikes and don’t waste time on them because of obligation, fear, or inertia.

7. Don’t buy stuff to make them happy

Materialistic commodities are not necessary for individuals to be happy. They don’t need to engage in “retail therapy” in order to feel better. People who are content know better in a culture that encourages them to spend money to feel good. Yes, they indulge themselves, but they do it for the right reasons.

8. They don’t dwell on regrets

Unfortunately, we frequently pause much too long and pass the threshold of practical insight. By overanalyzing our mistakes, we believe we are helping the world and ourselves, but in reality, we are obstructing progress.

A regret is a negative event that we bring into the present by going back to it in the past and picking it up.

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Happy individuals go on without being overwhelmed or letting their failures define them by taking life one day, one mistake, and one progress at a time.

They are aware of how little they actually know, how little of the world’s information they will ever truly understand, and how much more there is to learn. They don’t allow any of it stop them from moving on though, just like kids.

9. Happy people don’t give up

“Sometimes life knocks you on your ass… get up, get up, get up!!! Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.”

– Steve Maraboli

Everyone has self-doubts, but optimistic individuals push through them and continue on. They calmly and quietly keep trying, placing no responsibility for their accomplishments or failures on anybody else. Decide something you love, then pursue it.

However, happy people do give up their desire to always be right, their limiting beliefs, their unwillingness to change, and their excuses. They do not give up on their aspirations and objectives.

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