50 Reasons To Get Out Of Bed Today

50 Reasons To Get Out Of Bed Today
  1. The aroma of your preferred shampoo or bar of soap.
  2. Shaving for the first time with a brand-new razor and getting a flawless, smooth shave.
  3. You commute in the morning and never experience traffic.
  4. If you have a lengthy commute and get stuck in traffic, listening to your favorite podcast can be lovely. The Unspoken Podcast, Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations, and RISE with Rachel Hollis are my current favorites.
  5. Audiobooks are also a gift if you have a long commute, encounter traffic, and dislike podcasts. Michelle Obama’s book Becoming is a MUST-READ. Additionally, you don’t always need to sign up for audible; you can borrow audiobooks for nothing from your neighborhood library!

Spotify 16. iTunes music There’s nothing like the sounds of music to uplift your spirits and speak to your soul, regardless of the genre.

  1. An office setting where you can grin at least once a day because of a coworker.
  2. A setting at work where you feel valued and safe.
  3. An environment at work where you are heard.
  4. Your employment at a position you enjoy
READ:   Why Is Yawning So Contagious?
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