50 Reasons To Get Out Of Bed Today

50 Reasons To Get Out Of Bed Today
  1. There is still nature in the globe; there are still beaches, forests, and oceans, and we haven’t yet wiped off the planet.
  2. You can volunteer your time for a myriad of causes to ensure that we don’t utterly destroy the earth.
  3. There are several causes you can volunteer your time for, and you can take little actions to improve the world. Select one. Begin modestly.
  4. You have the capacity to communicate through voice.
  5. There are a ton of lovely, enchanting stories you can read to hear the voice of another person. Check out the library. Choose just one. beginning there
  6. You live in an era where books are available.
  7. Netflix is a reality in the era you live in.
  8. You came of age during the run of Game of Thrones.
  9. We still tell stories now, and they are what keep us going. You, yep you, get to choose the articles you read.
  10. You are in charge of what you eat.
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