8 Signs Of Narcissistic Parents And How To Deal With Them

8 Signs Of Narcissistic Parents And How To Deal With Them

7. They Reject Who You Are

A narcissistic parent enjoys having a lot of control and power. They do this by employing guilt trips because they are unable to accept responsibility or communicate in a healthy way. Instead than merely doing it because their child needs it, they could add, “If I hadn’t paid all that money for braces, you wouldn’t have straight teeth.”

When someone has NPD, they are so materialistic that they dislike having to spend money on anyone else themselves, even if it is relatives. They desire power and control over others since they experienced a lack of control as children. In order to keep you feeling reliant on them, they frequently remind you that they invested a lot of money in you.

“You have opportunities I’ve never had…After you become a doctor you can do as you please. Until then you do as I say!”

— Father to son

8. They Become Artificially Dependent

Some narcissistic parents anticipate being cared for indefinitely by their offspring. This kind of dependence may be financial, physical, or emotional.

While taking care of elderly parents is not necessarily bad and is a commendable quality, a narcissistic parent will often persuade their children into making irrational sacrifices with little regard for the child’s own goals and needs.

“My mom (a single parent in her late 30s) expects me to support her financially on an ongoing basis. She says that she can’t live without me.”

― Anonymous college student
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