Are Messy People Really More Productive Than Others?

Are Messy People Really More Productive Than Others?

Why do we always hear that a cluttered environment equates to a messy mind? We are taught from infancy that order is to be commended while disarray is to be condemned. that order is key to success and that chaos shows sloppiness.

Contrary to common opinion, disorderliness does not always indicate mental disarray. Additionally, being messy doesn’t seem to be a barrier to creativity; some of the most innovative and productive individuals are chronic slobs.

In actuality, messiness may not be a terrible thing. For many people, it may even be a sign of intellect and effectiveness. We ought to say “yes” to the chaos more frequently for people who detest organizing and cleaning.

Numerous research and assertions support the idea that people with untidy desks are frequently more productive, creative, and inspired than others. We shall discuss a variety of arguments in favour of this contentious idea in this post.

Why Are We So Obsessed With Being Orderly?

We are indoctrinated—more accurately, coerced—from an early age to constantly clean up after ourselves and our rooms. A messy desk is a symptom of a cluttered mind, society teaches us as we get older. We are conditioned to feel horrible about our messiness or disorganization.

We are expected by society to uphold order in all spheres. People who lack order are seen as indolent and poorly bred. But the tidy, organized society we aspire to is really a fantasy. We use organization as a trick to deceive ourselves into believing that life isn’t the chaotic, chaotic, unorganized disaster that we secretly know it to be.

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Consider that for a second. We frequently end up with greater chaos when we try to achieve order. Your closet will surely start to overflow if you purchase new shoes and clothing for every occasion and season of the year in an effort to look fashionable or socially acceptable.

It becomes a problem when you clean up your desk to avoid being accused of having a “uncluttered mind” at work. Even when you organize your desk by getting rid of those annoying mounds of papers, pencils, and clips, the clutter is still there two weeks later.

We are all attempting to maintain order and cleanliness, yet we will all ultimately fail. No matter how hard we work to maintain order and cleanliness in our area, chaos always returns. You see, disorder is caused by the universe’s inclinations, not by your organizational talents.

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