Chinese Horoscope 2021 – Year of the Metal Ox

Dragon’s 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Dragon if you were born during the Year of the Dragon 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 or 2012

Chinese astrology Despite being under the sign of protection, the year 2021 of the Dragon portends a mild one in terms of hopes and possibilities for those born under the fifth zodiac sign in Chinese astrology. You should be aware that the Dragon never makes the Ox feel admirable, and that the Dragon does not share the Ox’s tendency toward authoritarianism. In order to effectively overcome hurdles in 2021, we will need to be slightly cautious while initiating new activities and cautious to maintain our composure. When in love, the Dragon must watch out for improper and frequently unjustified jealously attacks that run the danger of jeopardizing the harmony of his relationship. Even in a year that is favorable for marriage, single dragons will take their time wearing an engagement ring.

Snake’s 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Snake if you were born during the Year of the Snake 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 or 2013

According to the Snake’s Chinese horoscope for 2021, residents of the sixth animal sign of the Chinese zodiac may expect a fluctuating but active year in which they should continue to build on their prior successes and refrain from putting too much faith in their intuition. If there is disagreement among coworkers on the best course of action to take, it is preferable to avoid conflict. The solitary Snake would do well to avoid trying to smother his mate by surrounding him with excessive amounts of affection and protection when they are in love. He will benefit from our shared peace. The Snake, who is already in a relationship, is similarly affected. In order to maintain the peace in his family, the Snake must accomplish a crucial task in the year 2021: no matter how admirable and kind his motives may be, the fact that he makes decisions when others are sleeping does not give him the right to interfere with those decisions.

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Horse’s 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Horse if you were born during the Year of the Horse 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 or 2014

Chinese astrology’s seventh zodiac sign, the Horse, is predicted to have a better year than the previous one in 2021, but it will also be ambivalent and more focused on career advancement than romantic blossoming. In fact, even if the Horse’s financial situation improves in 2021, it runs the danger of being far less favorable in terms of its sexual connections. Regarding his work, the Horse will still need to take care to not burn the steps essential to the accomplishment of its business enterprise in order to maximize its chances of success. On the other side, people who are still unsure can find that switching their line of work is more profitable. In order to avoid being let down by possible spouses, the Horse learns to temper its expectations of them. A conflict in a partnership over an ex-partner or extramarital affair runs the potential of undermining a previously steady connection. Any major choice must be made with the Horse’s long-term interests in mind.

Goat’s 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Goat (Sheep) if you were born during the Year of the Goat 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 or 2015

Chinese astrology The year 2021 of the Goat is a year of reflection for those born under the eighth sign of the Chinese zodiac, and it is wise for them to guard against shocks by being as cautious and frugal as they can. It is wiser for the Goat to hold back from insisting when faced with circumstances that defy logic, whether at work or in private. Additionally, the Goat must be ready to protect his rights as his possessions and take precautions to prevent others from making unchecked gains from his original works. The Goat finally understands the benefits of declining some potentially dangerous requests in 2021. A single Goat in love would do well to exercise discretion and to refrain from abusing the kindness of his pretenders at the risk of driving them away. When it comes to money, the Goat must use a lot of effort to resist the urge to go over budget. The Goat’s guiding principles for 2021 are patience and moderation. The best case scenario is that he stays close to those who care about him and can get him back on track if he does make a mistake.

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Monkey’s 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Monkey if you were born during the Year of the Monkey 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 or 2016

Chinese astrology The Chinese astrological year 2021 of the Monkey portends a busy and perhaps unpleasant year, with good endings preceded by a few turbulent incidents. The Monkey is encouraged to maintain his schedule current at work in order to avoid missing any exciting possibilities. On the financial front, a few unforeseen costs shouldn’t make him overly anxious. The Metal of 2021 is well-aligned with the Monkey’s material aspirations. In fact, he should be able to find considerable psychological peace and have many of his fears allayed in 2021 thanks to his efforts to save money. The Monkey must learn to control his tongue and refrain from making empty promises if he wants to retain his financial stability. Thanks to their compassionate sense of humor, single Monkeys should be able to establish enduring emotional bonds in relationships. Before making an investment in a shared home, couples will make sure their bank accounts are amply credited first.

Rooster’s 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Rooster (Chicken) if you were born during the Year of the Rooster 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 or 2017

Chinese astrology The year 2021 of the Rooster portends a year of recuperation, opportunity, and financial gain for those born under the tenth animal sign of the Chinese zodiac, as well as the happiness of his entire family and his closest friends. It’s time for the Rooster to make his goals known at work and set out to seize new job opportunities with the active and helpful backing of a dependable professional entourage. The Rooster might anticipate financially benefiting from his prior deeds in 2021. He has the chance to declare out loud in love that he wants to start developing a strong sentimental tie. The spring of 2021 is also a good time for the Rooster to get married or start a family by becoming pregnant. The Rooster in a relationship must focus his energies on maintaining the peace in his household. Finally, in 2021, the Rooster is urged to exercise extra caution around sharp items to prevent unintentional self-injury.

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