Chinese Horoscope 2021 – Year of the Metal Ox

Dog’s 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Dog if you were born during the Year of the Dog 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 or 2018

According to Chinese astrology, the year 2021 for people born under the Dog’s eleventh zodiac sign will be marked by severity and agitation. The difficulty of this year will be most apparent in the native’s work and emotional plans. The Dog in 2021 is also interested in using care and restraint in these two crucial aspects of his life. On the professional front, it is best to hold off until the following year before beginning any new significant undertakings. The Dog who is now in charge must be careful not to slow down his work too much if he wants to keep it. The single Dog should avoid trying to manipulate the course of love and should instead stick to his routine. If he meekly acknowledges that there must be a reason for the wanted being’s lack of excitement and that it would be best not to demand, he will feel much better in the end. For his side, the Dog who is already in a relationship must refrain from constantly criticizing his partner, lest he face a wall of prejudice in return that may be hard to climb in the future.

Pig’s 2021 Chinese horoscope

You are of the Chinese zodiac sign of the Pig (Boar) if you were born during the Year of the Pig 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 or 2019

Excellent career opportunities offset a relative slowness in love, according to the 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Pig, which is good news for people born under the 12th animal sign of the Chinese zodiac. The Pig at work is able to quiet even his least well-intentioned coworkers by quickly and skillfully adjusting to any new circumstances. In situations where decisions must be made quickly, his intuition also aids him. His reputation is strengthened, and his bank account gets stuffed as a result. Only when it comes to love do things not go as planned for the single Pig. Despite their overwhelming allure, the Pig must learn when to give up in order to avoid being frustrated. Be wary of secrets that have been kept from each other for too long, as a relationship. The Pig must finally acknowledge his character defects in 2021 in order to improve upon them and achieve tranquility.

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Lucky symbols in 2021:

  • Lucky numbers: 7, 9, 12, 21, 34, 42
  • Lucky days: the 5th, the 9th, the 17th, the 29th day of every month of the Chinese calendar
  • Lucky months: the 3rd, 7th, and 9th Chinese lunar months
  • Lucky colors: White, yellow, and green
  • Lucky directions: west, northwest, and southwest

Yang Xin is the Tai Sui in charge in 2021. Tai Sui is located in the northeast. The Chinese animal associated with Tai Sui is the Goat, whereas the Ox, Dragon, and Dog are the animals associated with indirect confrontations.

Love, friends, family and births in 2021

The family will be given priority in 2021, especially in terms of the welfare and education of the children, according to the Chinese love horoscope. Unmistakable indicators of the sentimental and familial priorities of the Year of the Ox are the Metal Yin element of the Chinese year 2021 and the second animal in Chinese astrology.

The conservative Ox mentality of 2021 encourages conventional family environments. When a kid asks for financial assistance, they will get warm and unwavering support, but if their parents find their life choices to be inexplicable, they risk coming up against a wall of prejudice. In 2021, however, any act of kindness, whether directed toward family or friends, will only become a reality after it takes root in the acceptance of quantitative worth, far more than any potential moral dilemmas. In order to assess the worth of each applicant’s unique journey, the inner reasons of those seeking credit or a contribution will also be examined. As a result, only individuals who have already demonstrated bravery and dependability have a chance of getting the financial assistance they want.

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The basic tenet of every successful connection, whether it be for aid or for the beginning and maintenance of a personal or professional relationship, is respect for people, for their opinions and values. Therefore, the Year of the Ox 2021 especially urges skeptics and pessimists to have greater faith in life and in their neighbors, while always worrying about keeping a strict discipline, which in their opinion is necessary for the successful progress of every human being.

Is the year 2021 a good year to have a baby?

The Years of the Ox are regarded in Asian culture as favorable years to consider having a child. All Chinese zodiac signs—aside from the Goat—can peacefully consider having a child, a girl or a boy, in the Year of the Ox 2021. Parents who were born in the Years of the Ox, Snake, Rat, and/or Rooster are the most popular Chinese zodiac signs for getting pregnant in 2021.

Famous People Born in the Year of the Ox

Napoleon (1769), Adolf Hitler (1889), Walt Disney (1901), Margaret Thatcher (1925), Barack Obama (1961), Saddam Hussein (1937), Gerald Ford (1913), Charlie Chaplin (1889), actors George Clooney, Richard Gere and Dustin Hoffman, artist Vincent Van Gogh; Princess Diana; former President Richard Nixon.

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