Common Things You Don’t Need To Apologize For

14. For not responding immediately to a text, call, or email

Common Things You Don’t Need To Apologize For

Sometimes it takes us a while to get back to a friend or work colleague. If there isn’t an emergency, which is generally obvious, apologizing for waiting longer than a split second to respond might turn something that may not have been a huge problem into one.

Additionally, it could imply that our own objectives are less essential than those to which we are reacting. Both false and uncool. According to Flagg, people value your affirmation of their wants. Just remember to take care of your own needs.

Successful individuals are aware that setting priorities occasionally results in a delay in returning calls and emails. Never apologise for not putting someone’s email or text on hold because you may attend to more pressing matters.

15. For not knowing the answer

Our minds remain fresh because of our ongoing thirst for information. Never apologize when given the chance to gain knowledge. It takes bravery and humility to be able to say you don’t know something.

16. For saving money

One part of self-care that is undervalued is financial self-care. It’s not necessary to apologize if you want to make sure you can pay the rent this month or if you decide not to attend the bachelorette’s weekend.

17. Your opinion

You have a right to an opinion. You cannot lose that to anyone. Don’t feel bad if your point of view differs from someone else’s. Don’t alter your views only to appease others.

It’s also important to note that there are occasions when it’s best to keep your opinions to yourself.

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18. For telling the truth

Strong individuals are honest. Never feel guilty for having courage. Even though telling the truth sometimes hurts, the advantages of being honest much exceed the pain.

Don’t worry about what other people may think; just be yourself. Overusing apologies or expressing sorry when it’s not required gradually lowers self-esteem. Keep your “I’m sorry” for when you genuinely screw up.

19. For not giving into other people’s expectations

Because you are an individual, you should never let other people’s expectations or opinions stop you from acting in a way that you believe is best for you. Don’t let other people’s criticism or slowdown get you down. Striking the right balance means standing strong and having trust in your own path while ignoring the views of others.

20. For your imperfections

Your flaws are what make you lovely and distinctive. They ought to be welcomed. Never apologize for a trait that makes you uniquely excellent despite its flaws.

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