Funny Life Lessons With Unexpected Outcomes

Funny Life Lessons With Unexpected Outcomes

Life Lesson 4 – Doing Nothing

A crow spent the entire day resting on a tree, doing nothing. “Can I too sit like you and do nothing all day long?” a rabbit inquired. The crow said, “Why not, sure.” The rabbit then took a nap on the ground beneath the crow.

The rabbit was eaten after a fox jumped on it.

Moral of the story:
You must be sitting pretty high up if you’re just sitting there doing nothing.

Life Lesson 5 – Power of Charisma

A turkey and a bull were conversing. The turkey sighed, “I would want to be able to climb that tree, but I don’t have the energy.” The bull responded, “Well, why don’t you nibble on my droppings.” They are rich in nutrients. The turkey found that eating a piece of poo gave him the vigor he needed to climb to the tree’s lowest branch. He eventually made it to the second branch the following day after consuming more excrement. He had finally perched high atop the tree after a fourth night. A farmer soon noticed him and promptly shot the bird out of the tree.

Moral of the story:
Bullshit will not keep you at the top; it will only get you there.

Life Lesson 6 – Happy in a Shit

For the winter, a small bird was making its way south. The bird froze due to the extreme cold and fell to the ground into a sizable field. A cow passed by and threw some manure on him as he lay there. The cold bird started to feel warm as he laid there in the mound of cow excrement. He was actually thawing out thanks to the dung! He was warm and content as he laid there, and he soon started singing joyfully. A passing cat stopped to investigate when it overheard the bird chirping. The cat followed the sound, found the bird underneath the mound of cow manure, and quickly dug him out and ate him.

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Moral of the story:
1. Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy
2. Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend
3. And when you’re in deep shit, it’s best to keep your mouth shut!

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