How To Grow Mint Indoors

How To Grow Mint Indoors

Do you frequently want some fresh herbs or twigs to decorate your food?

We frequently run short of parsley, mint, or other similar herbs at home.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a plant of your own growing inside your home where you could pick a few leaves whenever you wanted?

You can cultivate certain herbs and plants even if you don’t have a backyard garden or a sizable kitchen garden.

One of the plants that may thrive without direct sunshine is mint. Mint is one of the most popular culinary herbs, and it grows quickly indoors. It does just as well in a potted setting as it does in a garden.

Why Grow Mint Indoors

Mint (Mentha species) is one of the simplest herbs to grow indoors since it is a perennial that produces new leaves all year long if the stems are not damaged by cold. Mint is much simpler to grow indoors than many other herbs, provided you give it ample light and regular watering (more on both of these in a later section).

Mint also grows remarkably well indoors. You might like the way some species of mint’s stems droop over the sides of the container and their crinkly, green leaves. Even in the middle of winter, mint plants may blossom inside.

Yes, mint has a lovely appearance, but the majority of us don’t plant herbs for their beauty. We cultivate them for their tastes, and on a chilly day, what could taste better than a cup of hot tea made with fresh, cultivated mint leaves? You’ll always have a few sprigs of mint ready for harvest since mint continually produces new stems and leaves.

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The scent of mint is another motivation to learn how to cultivate it indoors. On a downcast day, all you have to do is pinch off a leaf, rub it between your thumb and index finger, and take a breath. Mint has an energizing and enlivening scent. Even better, add a few leaves to the water of your bath for a fragrant, relaxing soak.

Another advantage of growing mint indoors is the absence of pests. It is quite unlikely that your mint plants will be attacked by any houseplant pests.

Sourcing Mint Plants For Indoor Growing

If you’re wondering how to grow mint indoors, your first idea could be where to get the plants. You have a number of choices.

The simplest option is to buy a starter plant from your preferred neighborhood nursery. However, if you’re just starting to learn how to grow mint indoors in the fall or winter, you could discover that your neighborhood nursery is sold out. Herb plants are often only sold at nurseries in the spring. If this applies to you, think about growing a new mint houseplant from a stem cutting or a root division.

  1. Sourcing an indoor mint plant from a root division:

It’s simple to dig out a division of a mint plant, pot it up, and bring it indoors if you already have one growing in a container or in the ground, or if you have a friend or family member who does. It is a feasible division as long as there is a segment of root linked to a stem. You have the option of starting with a big or small division. Mint spreads quickly, so even if you start with a little division, the plant will soon fill your container.

  1. Sourcing an indoor mint plant from a stem cutting:
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A 3 inch long severed mint stem is all that is needed for this method of cultivating mint indoors. Cuttings of mint grow quickly. Just take off the lowest leaves, place the cut stem’s bottom inch in a pot with fresh potting soil, water it in, wrap the pot and cutting in plastic wrap, and place it on a windowsill for three weeks. Remove the baggie after three weeks have elapsed to reveal a fresh mint plant that may be grown inside.

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