How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster: 12 Common Tips

10. Keep it Moisturized.

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster: 12 Common Tips

Your head hair is most likely the driest part of your body, thus it has to be moisturized if you want to grow it longer. Keep your hair moisturized even more so if it has a naturally dry nature. Brittle hair breaks when it becomes dry, and vice versa.

After each time you shampoo, use conditioner. It not only makes your hair behave and appear better, but it also fortifies and protects it from the sun’s UV rays. Apply it only to the bottom of your hair if you have fine hair to prevent weighing it down. Coat the tips of Black hair thoroughly to hydrate the weak ends.

Of course, every person may have different hair demands, so while some may just only a weekly application of conditioner, others may require moisturizing hair masks and oil treatments.

11. Wear Protective Hairstyles.

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster: 12 Common Tips

Even though every suggestion on this list is appropriate to all hair types, those with textured, naturally curly hair may occasionally need to wear protective styles.

It might be intimidating to go from short hair to long hair. But protective hairstyles are great for lengthening hair, switching from one hair type to another (for example, from straightened to textured), cutting down on daily hair maintenance, hiding hair ends, and protecting natural hair from harsh seasonal elements and harmful environmental influences.

The following are a few suggested examples: box braids, cornrow ponytails, and flat twists. However, change these out every two weeks and allow yourself breaks in between to prevent scalp strain, which can result in traction alopecia, a condition in which persistently wearing hairstyles that are excessively tight results in hair loss.

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Protective styles simply allow those with coily, kinky hair to wait longer between soaking their hair and restyling it, preventing recurring damage.

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