How To Protect Yourself Against Crime – Simple Tips That Can Save Life

9. Be careful when using electronics on the streets, subways & buses. Don’t tune yourself out.

Don’t walk and text.

How To Protect Yourself Against Crime – Simple Tips That Can Save Life

10. Avoid becoming a victim of “Apple Picking”. Your headphones’ color can be changed from “White” to any other color. White earbuds typically signal that you are using an Apple device, which makes you a desirable target for thieves.

11. Keep your cash hidden, as well as any other tempting targets, such as pagers, mobile phones, handheld video games, pricey jewelry, and clothes.

12. Carry your bag in front of you and keep it closed when using public transportation. Please keep your wallet in your front pocket, gentlemen. Pickpockets are thieves who often operate in groups of two or three and resemble you and me. The victim’s wallet was often taken from their backpack’s front section, which is a frequent place for individuals to store their wallets.

Stay alert! Don’t doze or daydream.

13. Use well-lighted, busy stops. Try to arrange with a buddy or an adult to meet you if you have to get off at a less frequented station. Keep an eye on who exits the station with you.

How To Protect Yourself Against Crime – Simple Tips That Can Save Life

14. Avoid traveling through parks and any desert places after dark.

15. Have your apartment building’s keys available before entering. Don’t hold the door open for anyone you don’t know.

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