Make A Wish! Magical Moments In Life When You Should Ask For Desirable

6. Dandelions

Make A Wish! Magical Moments In Life When You Should Ask For Desirable

White dandelions are frequently excellent for wishing in the absence of allergies. Holding the dandelion in front of your face after picking it. Put your eyes closed and blow. If every bit of white material disappears in a single breath, your desire is granted!

7. Feathers

Stick any feathers you discover outside that aren’t from pillows or jacket stuffing in the ground so they stand upright. Make your wish while making a circle around it. If the feather stays erect, your desire comes true.

8. Acorns

The fact that acorns contain the seeds that develop into oak trees is itself quite awesome. Pick up the acorn if it falls on your head and make a wish. For easier wish fulfillment, place the acorn on your windowsill for three days if it’s a significant request. Send the acorn with your best wishes for love to the person you want.

9. Ladybugs

Make A Wish! Magical Moments In Life When You Should Ask For Desirable

Say “Ladybug Ladybug, fly away home” if a real ladybug falls on you rather than one of those biting orange monsters. Your children have vanished, and your house is on fire. If she takes off, your desire comes true. Don’t forget to offer the Ladybug your sympathy for her loss.

10. The Moon

Wishing on the moon is never permitted. On the other hand, on the night of your birthday, make a wish while gazing at the moon. When the points of a crescent point upward, the moon can refuse your request. When the points are pointing downward, your desire will come true. A full moon portends luck for the next year.

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11. 11:11

You can make one wish at any moment throughout that minute if you catch a digital clock at 11:11 (earlier in the day is preferable due to military time). Keep in mind that you shouldn’t wait eagerly for it; you should only see it if you happen to catch it.

12. Itching

Make a little “x” on the tip of your nose if it itches, then make a wish.
Cover your itchy ear with one hand and make a wish that only positive things would be said about you.
And when your eye itches, don’t massage it; instead, cover it with one hand and make a wish to see anything or someone.

13. Wishbones

Wishbones are present in all cooked entire birds. Typically, the stronger the request, the larger the bird.

The wishbone needs to dry out before use, so making this wish requires some preparation. However, if you’re in a rush, you might throw it in a low oven for a few hours. Overnight is often plenty. Get another person to hold one end of the wishbone while you hold the other once it has dried. Make a wish while closing your eyes, and then on the third count, tear the wishbone apart. Whoever receives the larger piece has achieved their dream. Both desires are granted in the incredibly unusual scenario where the pieces are equal.

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