Plank Exercise Benefits For Your Body And Health

Different Plank Variations

Planks are usually a full-body exercise, although some variations can target particular muscle groups more intensely. Once you’ve mastered conventional planks, modified planks may make the workout harder and present you with an additional challenge.

Whether you’re a novice or a pro, try one of these several plank positions.

1. Side plank

Plank Exercise Benefits For Your Body And Health

Rotate onto your side, stretching one arm toward the sky, and balance on one foot while adhering to the same principles as a typical plank.

The obliques and intercostals respond amazingly to side planks. Your ribs’ intercostal muscles are located here.

2. Reverse plank

Plank Exercise Benefits For Your Body And Health

Similar to a normal plank, except with your back to the ceiling instead of the ground. When you are on your back and your body is making a straight line, push your upper body up while extending your arms beneath you. Maintain this posture.

For your complete core, glutes, hamstrings, and back, reverse planks are fantastic.

3. Arm or leg lift planks

Plank Exercise Benefits For Your Body And Health

You will build a lot more strength and endurance by exercising these planks since they place a lot more stress on your muscles. Planks with the arms and legs raised are a terrific addition to a fitness program and may be used in place of or in addition to standard planks.

When you’re in a regular forward plank posture, just elevate an arm or a leg. Your upper back, chest, and core are all aided by this. Lifting one arm will boost the advantages to your shoulder; using your leg will work out your sides and glutes more.

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