The Truth About Why Smart Women Pick Bad Guys

The Truth About Why Smart Women Pick Bad Guys

In actuality, these ladies evolved an adaptive strategy because they were repeatedly rewarded for it, and as a result, have come to identify with it. There are moments when they are completely free, flowing, and feminine, but if they were being really honest, they’d have to say that those are the qualities that women like this dread the most. So, even while I’m sure that being a “very type A girl” has repeatedly benefited them in some respects, it has also caused issues for them in their interactions with men.

Let’s go back to the lady who asked the opening question. Even while I don’t support the actions of the guys she’s dated, both are expected outcomes of the persona she’s adopted. Men who find their (sometimes insatiable) desire for feminine radiance unmet in a relationship are forced to search outside of it; they may choose to cheat, vanish, or just end the relationship.

In order to shift the power dynamic back in their favor, men who feel like they are in a perpetual power battle with “type A females” may seek to bring their partners down a few pegs. They may even be better at it since they don’t use emotion to guide them through the world and see aggression as only a means to a goal.

Again, I’m not condoning such activities, but I think you’ll agree that when you step back and consider it from this angle, it becomes reasonable and, more importantly, foreseeable.

Results don’t lie, and your beliefs, routines, and actions have a significant impact on the reaction you’re receiving in your relationships. One of the worst decisions ever made by so many very “otherwise” educated and highly appealing women may be the notion that a woman needs a “alpha male” to bring her back into the feminine.
What makes it such a horrible idea? Because it assumes you need someone else to reintroduce you to your femininity, whereas in reality, reconnecting with your femininity is as simple as “going home” after you address those outmoded assumptions that aren’t functioning. Additionally, if you believe that you can miraculously transform an alpha when he has been praised for his conduct everywhere else, you may want to reflect on your delusional thinking.

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