What Happens When Your Kids Have Too Many Toys

What Happens When Your Kids Have Too Many Toys

3. Too many toys restricts their creativity

Joshua Becker describes how two German health worders (Strick & Schubert) carried out an experiment by persuading a kindergarten class to remove all toys for three months in his book Clutterfree with Kids.

Even though boredom first set in, the kids soon started making up games and using their imaginations to play.

According to this study, children who have too many toys will not be able to use their imaginations.

Additionally, it demonstrates how children instinctively use their imaginations to play when excessive items are taken away.

4. They don’t take care of their toys

Children who have an excessive amount of toys are unable to appreciate their possessions. You don’t respect what you don’t value.

They will play with this other toy, so it’s not a big deal when anything breaks. They might even be aware that their birthday is approaching and decide to acquire a new one.

If there are always alternatives available, children will never learn to value things.

5. Children who have too many toys find it difficult to have fun

Giving kids toys that take care of their imaginative needs teaches them to crave entertainment. They are unable to think up ideas on their own or learn how to have pleasure on their own.

Before you realize it, your children will be depending on you for everything. They probably have too many toys if you feel the need to keep them occupied all day at home.

6. They don’t get enough physical exercise

If your children do not have a room full of toys, they are much more inclined to play outside. But as soon as his phone is taken away, one walks outdoors to skateboard or ride his bike.

Children who spend more time playing outside exercise more. People benefit from exercise in so many ways. Kids who participate in regular physical activity are not only happier and healthier, but they also sleep better.

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7. They lack problem-solving skills

Kids who have an excessive amount of toys don’t develop critical problem-solving abilities. This is evident when a child tries and fails to use a challenging toy before moving on to an easier target.

Too many toys discourage your children from taking initiative and solving problems on their own.

8. Children who have too many toys fight more

Simply put, there will be more disputes if there are more toys.

When there are lots of toys, kids feel possessive and will fight with one another over playing with a specific toy. However, if there aren’t enough toys accessible, kids will automatically learn how to play nicely with others.

9. The more they have the more they want

Kids get increasingly unhappy as their toy collection increases. Children struggle to achieve contentment when they are surrounded by toys. They are constantly desiring more because they are constantly acquiring new things.

One Christmas when my niece was a young child comes to mind. She was the lone young girl in a large house full of boys. She was ecstatic when she initially opened the gift and didn’t want to put it down. But there were still many of other toys and enjoyable girly items to be opened.

By the time the last gift was opened, she was disappointed that the gifts had ended, rather than being able to appreciate everything she had gotten. She was not even interested in the toys; she only desired more.

10. They get messy

Kids become overwhelmed not simply by the quantity of toys they own, but also by the mess those toys create.

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Have you ever told your kids to tidy their rooms just to check back later and discover they haven’t done anything? They simply don’t know where to begin because there is so much information available. So they take no action.

The mess then overwhelms everyone, particularly mom.

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