What Is A Twin Flame?

What Is A Twin Flame?

4. You feel a magnetic pull toward each other.

It might be tough to survive being physically separated from your twin flame for any period of time since you may operate better together. You could live on your own for weeks, months, or even years, yet you might also harbor a strong desire to find your twin flame. You could constantly fantasize about them, and you might even have symptoms like agitation or worry while you’re apart from them.

5. You understand your purpose through your relationship.

Your twin flame acts as a mirror for you, allowing you to view yourself through their problems. You will learn more about yourself and what it means to be human than ever before after you are reunited with your twin flame.

You may also forgive them if they reject the connection at first, as many people do when they first meet their soul mate. You will understand that your twin flame’s potential need to flee has nothing to do with you or your relationship to them, and you will know it doesn’t mean the relationship is over — it just means there is more growing to be done. This is because your twin flame reflects the problems in your own soul.

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