Why Empaths Freeze Around Fake People

Empaths detect things in human behavior that others miss.

Why Empaths Freeze Around Fake People

For those of you who don’t know, someone who is labeled an empath is someone who is hypersensitive. It doesn’t imply that you have to use all of your wonderful, polite, politically correct language around them; rather, it just means that they are extremely sensitive to emotional reactions and situations, and there is evidence to support this assertion.

Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychologist, conducted research on this trait in 1991 and found that up to 15% to 20% of people may be categorized as empaths or hypersensitive. This meant that as compared to other non-highly sensitive people, the highly sensitive would respond more visibly and emotionally to an outside stimuli. Researchers are increasingly seeing that these very sensitive people reach a breaking point when they interact with dishonest, or, to put it more bluntly, phony, people.

People with high levels of sensitivity react strongly to their surroundings and are quick to recognize dishonest people. They require genuine, deep relationships that have value for them, and they typically become uncomfortable with false individuals.

Why Empaths Freeze and Close Up Around Fake People

Why Empaths Freeze Around Fake People

Have you ever spent time with someone who, on the surface, appears to be sweet as pie but, in reality, makes you feel uneasy and makes it difficult to even construct whole sentences?

Have you ever received a praise from someone that left you feeling irritated and furious rather than happy? Anyone who is empathic or very sensitive will understand what is being discussed.

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When an empath encounters someone they believe to be false, they frequently either remain completely silent or speak slowly. An empath will be extremely attentive to someone who does not emit authentic vibrations.

Empaths become alarmed when they encounter a false person because they can see straight through them. Sweaty hands, a rapid heartbeat, feelings of dread, weariness, and other symptoms that others who don’t identify as empaths might find strange begin to affect them.

Empaths are sensitive to the suffering that others try to cover up by posing as someone else. Empaths are aware that these imposters don’t necessarily aim to hurt anyone; rather, they still have a lot of healing to perform on Earth.

Empathic individuals have a technique of dealing with these false people, and it typically involves being quiet while they speak or just attempting to say as little as possible. An empathic person can only absorb so much of what they detect from these phony persons before they start to feel greatly impacted, thus it would be preferable for them to leave the person’s presence or wait for them to go.

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