Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

Your 7 Chakras, Explained—Plus How to Tell if They’re Blocked

The sacral chakra

Location: Above the pubic bone and below the navel

Consider the Svadhisthana chakra, the second chakra, to be the most enjoyable of the seven. According to Kavanagh, “this chakra holds our emotions, passions, and pleasures—the things that emotionally satisfy us and bring us delight.” It is also regarded as the body’s center for sexual and creative energy.

You’ll probably feel fantastic when your sacral chakra is balanced since you’ll be warm, passionate, and content with your life while also inspiring sentiments of wellbeing, affluence, pleasure, and joy. (Nice!) You maintain the flow of energy by respecting your body and engaging in creative expression.

Your sacral chakra may be out of alignment if you’re feeling uninspired artistically or if you’re experiencing some emotional instability. As with physical sexual dysfunction, this may also be accompanied by feelings of sadness, fear of change, or behaviors similar to addiction.

According to Kavanagh, “when underactive, [someone] may suffer from a low libido, a lack of joy, or have hormonal and reproductive concerns.” When we are hyperactive, we may develop addictions—whether to sex or to anything else—and we may also go through a lot of emotional ups and downs, much like on an emotional rollercoaster.

Color: Orange

Element associated with it: Water

Crystals associated with it: Carnelian, tiger’s eye, sunstone

Yoga pose that activates it: Pigeon pose, goddess pose, warrior II

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