12 Of The Best Plants For Cleaner Indoor Air


12 Of The Best Plants For Cleaner Indoor Air

Peace lilies may absorb benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, toluene, and xylene, according to a 1918 NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America research. Peace lilies are the ideal plant for those of us who have poor gardening skills.

They are simple to cultivate and don’t need much attention. Place them simply in a shaded area and maintain soil moisture without overwatering. Most of the summer will see flowers on these plants.

You may want to avoid having a room full of those flowers because they (like all flowers) do release some pollen and flowery odors into the air. Maintain the plant’s leaves clear of dust to enhance its ability to purify the air.


12 Of The Best Plants For Cleaner Indoor Air

All palm trees make excellent air purifiers. As you breathe at night, the surface area of palm leaves pulls more carbon dioxide from the air and releases oxygen back into the space they are in.

The bamboo palm, also known as the reed palm, thrives in shade or partial sunlight and makes a wonderful houseplant since it helps to remove toxic substances like formaldehyde and benzene.

Put it where it receives gentle morning or afternoon sun for the best results. Additionally, it needs regular watering; just be careful not to overdo it.


12 Of The Best Plants For Cleaner Indoor Air

The hardy spider plant is a great option for those of you who are new to growing houseplants. Toxins including carbon monoxide and xylene, a solvent used in the printing and rubber sectors, will be discreetly combated. This is one of the few houseplants that is safe for pets, if you have any.

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You may also develop a large family of plants by repotting the tiny “spiderettes”; they will essentially take care of themselves and you.

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