170 Merry Christmas Wishes – Choose How To Greet Your Loved Ones

170 Merry Christmas Wishes – Choose How To Greet Your Loved Ones

Funny Merry Christmas Wishes

Here are some humorous Christmas wishes that might be appropriate in a card coupled with a humorous note from you. These amusing Christmas greetings are a great way to make a distant friend smile this season!

1. Merry Christmas! May your happiness be large and your bills be small.

2. Yule always be my favorite.

3. Happy holidays! I hope you like the present you told me to buy for you.

4. It’s the most wine-derful time of the year.

5. I would say all I want for Christmas is YOU, but I really would love a new credit card as well!

6. That warm feeling isn’t just the Christmas spirit. I think you left the oven on.

7. Christmas is a Claus for celebration!

8. Merry Christmas! I put so much thought into your gift that now it’s too late to get it.

9. Christmas is mostly for children. But we adults can enjoy it too, until the credit card bills arrive.

10. Eat. Drink. Be Merry. Have a wonderful Christmas.

11. May the calories of the holidays disappear by New Year. Merry Christmas!

12. I hope you get as lit as a tree this year.

13. Let’s enjoy the Christmas season until our credit card bills arrive.

14. Let’s be naughty and save Santa a trip.

15. Check yo’ elf before you wreck yo’ elf.

16. It’s all fun and games until Santa checks the naughty list.

17. You have resting Grinch face.

18. Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle.

19. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… but if the white runs outs, I’ll drink red.

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20. Dear Santa, just leave your credit card under the tree.

21. Christmas is magical — all my money magically disappears.

22. Dear Santa, I was good yesterday… that should count!

23. Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year.

24. Christmas is a baby shower that went totally overboard.

25. Sending Christmas cards is a good way to let your friends and family know that you think they’re worth the price of a stamp.

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