20 American Habits That All Other Countries Think Are Crazy

9. Red Light – Stop, Look, Listen

20 American Habits That All Other Countries Think Are Crazy

No, this is not where Pitbull’s song “Greenlight” begins.

The traffic light system has been in place for many years, but not every country that uses it truly extends the courtesy of obeying it. Many countries will decide to treat it as a binding legislation, while others appear to view it more as a recommendation.

Foreigners who have traveled to the United States have observed that doing so is more of a choice than a mandate.

More than any other country in the world, many drivers appear to mistakenly interpret a red light as a signal to proceed rather than to stop. In the vast part of the nation, turning right is permitted even when the light is red. Then what purpose does a light serve?

10. Really Strong Patriotism!

20 American Habits That All Other Countries Think Are Crazy

Even though they don’t always feel like they should, everyone wants to serve their country in whatever manner they can. Most of the time, showing patriotism is a very subtle gesture; outside of major athletic events, just clues and signals are made.

However, 95% of Americans are incredibly proud of their country and won’t hesitate to express it to you.

The United States of America is brimming over with patriotic citizens from head to toe, whether it is through the parade of flags on every corner or the art of tourism.

20 American Habits That All Other Countries Think Are Crazy

7. Deep Fried Foods – Beyond Comprehension

20 American Habits That All Other Countries Think Are Crazy

There have been many entries on this list that are related to food and drink, but there is a solid reason for that. Whether you love it or hate it, America is a center for the subgenre, and you can’t ignore what they’ve done for the business.

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Deep-fried dishes, which appear to be available everywhere in the country, are another excellent example.

Even Mars bars have started to become fried, which is something that most people find difficult to understand.

It’s strange and unique, and long may that theme persist.

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