Top 10 Phrases Men Love To Hear

8. “You make me happy.”

Top 10 Phrases Men Love To Hear

Wow. This very sentence is astounding. It includes trust, admiration, and support. Any man who is in a committed relationship will make an effort to make his girlfriend happy. Make certain that he is aware of this.

If you want to be in a fulfilling relationship, you must first be content with who you are. This may seem like something your mother told you, but it’s real.

You can’t demand that your partner provide all of your happiness for you. You will magnetize and draw the ideal person for you if you are who you are entirely and completely without any armor because light attracts light.

9. “You are so strong.”

Every man aspires to have a macho sense of self… No guy ever likes to think of himself as weak.

Being powerful is required of a guy. And if he is labeled as weak, he will perish. A guy wants to know that you find strength and manliness in him.

Several ways to put that are:

  • “I feel so safe when I’m around you…”
  • “I feel taken care of when I’m near you…”
  • “You make me feel invincible when I’m around you…”

You want to arouse his innate desire to defend his girlfriend by appealing to his instincts as a warrior man. He must have confidence in his ability to offer it, even if you don’t require it from him.

10. “You make me laugh.”

Every man wants to make his woman laugh while entertaining her. Tell your boyfriend how funny they are and how much they make you laugh. They will truly enjoy it if you do.

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The most satisfying sensation is being able to make your wife laugh. Even if he isn’t a stand-up comic, a friendly chuckle will make you both smile.

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