12 Reasons You Need A Personal Motto

12 Reasons You Need A Personal Motto

How to Make Your Personal Motto

You can come up with your own mottos or modify others. It only needs to serve as a strong reminder of your value or objective; it need not be clever:

  1. Make it succinct and simple to remember.
    Even just one word will do: Compassion. Calm. Listen.
  1. Make it sensitive to emotions.
    This merely implies that it will connect with you on an emotional level.
  1. Increase the impact of your motto by using rhyme or alliteration.
    If you make a rhyme, it will always stick. Or, to be more precise, rhymes increase “processing fluency.”

Pick one or two maxims to include in your “thinking bubble” right now. Try them out periodically to determine whether they inspire you or calm you. If not, try once more while using a different motto.

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